Leipzig teachers' orchestra

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The Leipzig Teachers' Orchestra is a symphony orchestra that is supported by laypeople. Founded in 1951, it is the oldest orchestra of its kind in Leipzig . While the founding generation were exclusively teachers, the orchestra quickly grew with members from other professional groups. Today, the Leipzig teachers 'orchestra is characterized by a large variety of different professional groups and generations, while "the name of the teachers' orchestra [...] is retained out of tradition." Since 1986, Gerd-Eckehard Meißner has been the artistic director.


The Leipzig Teachers' Orchestra was founded in 1951 by Karl Winkler teachers who wanted to express their joy in classical music. At the same time, they felt obliged to an educational mandate: the orchestra performed in the village schools in the Leipzig area and organized student concerts in which the children could learn something about the various orchestral instruments. It also took part in various union events, as the orchestra was organized as a union orchestra of the Leipzig district. After the political change , the Leipzig Teachers' Orchestra was re-established as a registered association and was able to establish its place in the Leipzig cultural scene and contribute to the quality of life in Leipzig. It has been a member of the BDLO eV since the 1990s

Concert activity

The Leipzig Teachers' Orchestra performs two symphony concerts a year, which are characterized by the collaboration with well-known soloists or young artists. Since 2014 there has been a cooperation with the Citizens for Leipzig Foundation, who jointly ask for donations of cards so that refugees and those in need in particular can experience the concerts of the Leipzig teachers' orchestra. The orchestra has been giving concerts in the Gewandhaus in Leipzig since 1982 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Leipziger teacher's orchestra eV - Our orchestra. In: www.leipziger-lehrerorchester.de. Retrieved December 29, 2016 .
  2. "Share joy" campaign | Citizens' Foundation for Leipzig. In: www.buergerfuerleipzig.de. Retrieved December 29, 2016 .