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Performance judge is the designation for people who evaluate the performance of the test participants in dog sports . Their decisions are bound by the rules and regulations of the clubs they have appointed. These are in particular the examination regulations for the relevant sport and the associated performance judge guidelines. Their activity is regulated in a performance judge regulation of the respective association.

The regulations of the VDH are presented below. Some of its member clubs have sets of rules that supplement and substantiate the provisions of the VDH. There are similar judging regulations in all member countries of the FCI and its member clubs. The training and examination of judges in the FCI is done by the respective member countries. Judges are mutually recognized by the members.

Requirements for an activity as a performance judge

A performance judge qualifies for his activity as part of a performance judge qualification and proves his qualifications there and in a final examination at the VDH. After that he can be appointed as a performance judge by his VDH member association. The appointment will be announced by publication in the VDH association organ. The VDH member associations keep corresponding lists of performance judges, most of which are also published on the Internet.

In order to become a candidate for performance judge, a dog athlete must meet certain requirements. In addition to personal and formal association criteria, this includes the relevant athletic qualifications. This includes that he has trained at least one dog himself and has successfully led in the VDH companion dog test as well as in all test classes of the respective sport. In addition, he must have worked as a trainer and test / competition director. The activity as a trainer already requires a qualification that is documented with a VDH certificate of competence for the respective sport. Before the start of the performance judge's qualification, there is an examination to prove professional and sporting aptitude.

Activity as a performance judge

The performance judge (LR) evaluates (exclusively) the performances shown by the participating dogs in scheduled tests. In his evaluation he is bound by the respective examination regulations as well as the provisions of the VDH (e.g. performance judge guidelines). The assessment must be made regardless of the person and may only be based on one's own perception. The evaluation cannot be contested on the day of the examination. A candidate who criticizes the judge on the day of the exam may be disqualified. Appeals against the judge's assessment are possible in writing after the examination and the only possible reason is an irregular assessment.

Performance judges may only be listed as such in a member association of the VDH. The performance judges are determined for the respective test when the date protection is granted. A performance judge can either be invited by the club organizing the test or assigned for the test.

To maintain their status as judges, performance judges must also act as such, i.e. actually judge examinations.


  1. This certificate of competence is not identical to the certificate of competence for dog sport tests , which every dog ​​handler must provide before the companion dog test . Rather, it requires special knowledge about the respective sport, training and education methods as well as cynology, which is imparted in the context of training events of the VDH member associations. The details on this are regulated by training regulations.


Obedience performance judge regulations of the VDH (PDF; 198 kB) from November 16, 2003

Individual evidence

  1. Rules of Procedure of the FCI, Art. 11  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / www.fci.be  
  2. Statute of the FCI, Art. 2 ( Memento of the original dated May 9, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.fci.be
  3. a b c Obedience performance judge regulations of the VDH ( Memento of the original from October 18, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 198 kB) from November 16, 2003 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.datenbereich.info
  4. a b Obedience Examination Regulations (pdf; 527 kB)

Web links

A training regulation (PDF; 196 kB) as an example