Lead proposal

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A main motion is at party conferences , club meetings or general assemblies i of organizations the request to one. d. Usually a more important subject matter proposed by the application commission or determined by the assembly as the one on the basis of which amendments to details or to the party or organizational program can be made.


Often these key motions are presented by the board, a parliamentary group or the responsible working group. When a lead application is submitted, numerous individual applications from district or local associations or local working groups on the same matter are often dealt with. It accelerates the business process at the party congress or the general meeting . On the other hand, a well-formulated lead proposal from a board of directors is well suited to inconspicuously breaking off some critical basic proposals, so it strengthens the power of the proposal commission and thus of the committees that prepare staff.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. What is a lead proposal? Video of the party conference