Lemma of Euclid

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The Euclid's lemma is a basic Lemma in the classical arithmetic or elementary number theory . His statement is usually used to prove the fundamental theorem of arithmetic , more precisely for the uniqueness of the prime factorization . It already appears in Euclid's Elements (Book VII, Proposition 30).

The lemma for natural numbers

The contemporary translation of the classical formulation for natural or whole numbers is:

If a prime number divides a product , so does one (or both) of the factors .

The following generalization is equivalent to this:

If the product divides and is coprime to one of the factors, it divides the other.

Because if it is a prime number, you get the upper version again; is composite , it applies to each of its prime factors and therefore to itself.


The proof of the lemma can classically be carried out as a direct proof , it uses the lemma of Bézout and thus argues partly outside the natural numbers, but the statement is obviously also valid to a limited extent .

Be arbitrary. Suppose a prime number divides the product but not the factor . Then we have to show that is a divisor of .

From the assumption it follows in particular that and are coprime. With Bézout there are then two whole numbers and , so that holds. This equation is multiplied by and rearranged somewhat


According to the assumption there is a with , so on the left side of the equation you can exclude:


So is factor of a product that results. Thus it shares what was to be shown.

Applications and generalization

Euclid's lemma occurs indirectly in almost every argument by means of divisibility, especially with prime factorization and the Euclidean algorithm . In practical arithmetic problems, the lemma itself only plays a subordinate role.

The lemma also applies to main ideal rings : Let be a main ideal ring, and irreducible in , then applies .

Individual evidence

  1. Euclid's Elements, Book VII, Prop 30 (English translation, with original proof)
  2. Jürgen Wolfart: Introduction to Algebra and Number Theory . Vieweg, Braunschweig / Wiesbaden 1996, ISBN 3-528-07286-5 , pp. 76 .