Lemma from Riesz

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The Riesz's lemma , named after the Hungarian mathematician Frigyes Riesz , is a set of functional analysis on completed sub-spaces of normed spaces .


A normalized space , a closed true subspace of and a real number are given .

Then there exists an element with such that:


If finite dimensional or more generally reflexive , then a choice can be made.


In a finite-dimensional Euclidean space there is a unit vector perpendicular to it for every real subspace . The distance of any point from to is then at least one, the value one is assumed to be exactly .

In a standardized space, the term “standing vertically” is generally not definable. In this respect, the formulation of Riesz's lemma is a useful generalization. It is also not a matter of course that vectors with a positive distance to it still exist outside a subspace.

Evidence sketch

There is a point outside the real subspace . Since is complete, the distance from must be positive. Be a given and a point in with


Choose as element :

This is standardized by construction. The following applies to any one :


The following applies to the distance:



From Riesz's lemma it follows that every normed space in which the closed unit sphere is compact must be finite-dimensional. The reverse of this theorem is also correct ( Riesz compactness theorem ).

Individual evidence

  1. Harro Heuser: functional analysis , Teubner-Verlag (1975), ISBN 3-519-02206-0 , auxiliary set 10.2
  2. ^ Joseph Diestel: Sequences and Series in Banach Spaces , Springer-Verlag (1984), ISBN 3-540-90859-5 , chap. I, lemma on page 2
  3. Dirk Werner : Functional Analysis. 6th, corrected edition, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2007, ISBN 978-3-540-72533-6 , p. 27.