Learning companion

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Learning guides are professionally trained people who support people in individual learning processes . The field of work is not limited to formal learning processes (e.g. lessons, seminars, etc.), but especially in vocational training , learning guides should also structure informal learning processes ( learning from experience ). The starting point of the learning support is to support people individually in their development and to design specific learning processes for this. The aim of the learning accompaniment method is to support learners in building up and developing their self-learning skills . The aim is the independent vocational skills ( Employability be strengthened). The task of the learning companion is thus differentiated from the traditional teacher role: the focus is no longer on imparting knowledge from someone who knows (the teacher) to someone who is ignorant, but rather the question: "How can the learner himself find solutions, knowledge, etc. for his own Learning type attain appropriate way? "

Tasks of learning guides

The tasks of the learning companion are to determine and agree on individual learning needs and individual learning behavior, to conceptualize associated learning paths and to make learning agreements on this, to select learning tasks (from real work), to prepare them and to hand them over for independent processing, the processing of the task by the learner to observe and accompany, to hold interim discussions, to conduct evaluation interviews, to perceive individual learning cliffs and learning obstacles, to motivate learners to continue learning, to constantly review and question their own behavior, to moderate heterogeneous learning groups, as well as to be able to deal with conflicts and advise on conflicts .

Learning companions can be teachers, learning coaches, trainers but also pedagogically trained specialists. They must be able to design the learning arrangement for a learning task and for this they should be able to master and design different forms of learning, e.g. B. Discovery learning , exploratory tasks, learning by teaching , project learning , action learning .

Learning support for students

There are various ways in which this learning support can take place outside of school for students.

In Baden-Württemberg, students are supported by learning guides in their schools as part of the project “Individual learning support for disadvantaged young people during the transition between school and work”. Here the learning support consists of tutoring as well as personal support in choosing a career or looking for a training position . The project has a total duration of four years and ends with the 2010 school year.

At various schools, learning support is an integral part of the school program. For example, every year a tutorial is held with each student. Different aspects are considered: What strengths does the young person have? What goals does he have, what is in the way of achieving these goals? What help can be set up?

Learning companion in school

The term learning companion is also used as a term for teachers in some reform education schools. The students are then often referred to as learning partners. This is to express that the pedagogical concept is about the individual promotion of the learning process of each individual student.

Learning support in vocational training

In vocational training , learning support is a method to better interlink learning and work. When learning in the process of work, the learner is confronted with new tasks and situations in order to initiate learning processes. He cannot solve this task with his previous level of knowledge and ability, so he is forced to learn. The task of the learning companion is to structure these learning processes together with the learner, to accompany them systematically and to reflect them. This makes the learning process support for trainers and further trainers an alternative to instruction , the 4-step method and other traditional methods.

In continuing vocational training, the role of the learning companion is in some cases still the subject of research projects, e.g. B. in the pilot project "Securing livelihoods in the retail trade through a work-integrated learning system". In some cases, learning support has already become firmly established in the continuing education landscape, e.g. B. in the APO-IT training system.


  • Hans G. Bauer, Michael Brater, Ute Büchele, Angelika Dufter-Weis, Anna Maurus, Claudia Munz: Learning (process) support in training - How to support learners and shape learning processes. W. Bertelsmann Verlag , Bielefeld 2006, ISBN 3-7639-3304-2 .
  • René Kräenbring: Accompanying the learning process in vocational and corporate training (=  corporate personnel development and further training in research and practice, Volume 16). Publishing house Dr. Kovac, Hamburg 2013, ISBN 978-3-8300-7242-3 (334 pages).

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