Reading size

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As a read size in the are typography the font sizes of 10 ( body ) to 12 Didot point ( Cicero ) because they are suited to the set of large amounts of text material, so that even after prolonged fatigue read none must occur.

Smaller font sizes, i.e. those from 3 ( brilliant ) to 9 point ( Borgis ), are referred to as consultation sizes . These are mostly used to set texts of which only short sections are usually read (consulted), e.g. B. directories, lexicons or footnotes . They have the advantage that relatively large amounts of text can be accommodated in a relatively small space.

Larger font sizes are called viewing sizes .


  • Philipp Luidl: Typography. Origin Structure Application. 2nd edition Schlütersche Verlagsanstalt, Hanover 1996, ISBN 3-87706-290-3 , p. 64f

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