Last testament

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The  Last Testament is the teaching of Vissarion (real name: Sergei Torop) and represents the Holy Scriptures of the Church of the Last Testament . It has both been published in book form and published on the Internet, both in the original Russian text on the official website of the Church of the Last Testament, as well as to a small extent translated into German on the website of the German-based Förderverein Ökopolis eV

Vissarion sees the Last Testament in the sequence of the Old and New Testaments as the completion of God's teaching.

Structure of the Last Testament

The Last Testament is a collection of the writings of Vissarion and the "Tales of Vadim".

The writings of Vissarion

The writings of Vissarion are doctrinal scriptures of the Church of the Last Testament.

Overview of the writings of Vissarion
designation chapter Words year tape editor ISBN
Proclamation 6,954 1997 I. Vedic Cultural Society, Saint Petersburg 5-87383-114-9
Book of Speeches 42 36,322 1997 I.
Basics book 12 13,845 1997 I.
epilogue 7,339 1997 I.
Commandments 3,245 1997 I.
The prayer 494 1997 I.
Meetings 8th 27,278 1997 I.
The last hope 18th 42,911 2000 III-1 Masterskaya Zhizni Cheloveka 5-85952-105-7
Time of change 12 26,876 2001 III-2 Masterskaya Zhizni Cheloveka 5-85952-120-0
Publications on the Internet from 2016

Contents of the writings of Vissarion

In the original text, no headings were assigned to the individual fonts or chapters.
Nevertheless, the attempt should be made here to provide an overview of the contents of selected works, based on the headings of the translated texts as published by Ökopolis eV.

  • Annunciation
    • The four basic religions: Taoism, Buddhism / Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism / Islam
    • Two origins: God the Father, the Only One, the Creator and God the Son, the Heavenly Father
    • Alien civilizations
    • The three wills: old, new and last
  • Basics book
    • Cape. 01: Creation of the Universe / Birth of Heavenly Father
    • Cape. 02: About the power of evil
    • Cape. 03: Laws of the development of the universe / Laws of the development of the soul
    • Cape. 04: Transition from the realm of power to the realm of the soul
    • Cape. 05: The way of the soul after death
    • Cape. 06: The law of free choice / belief / evil
    • Cape. 07: Love, partnership and family / man and woman
    • Cape. 08: Development of the soul
    • Cape. 09: Laws of the Only One / Laws of the Heavenly Father
    • Cape. 10: About the essence of man, his weaknesses, his possibilities
    • Cape. 11: Providence, Fate and Free Choice
    • Cape. 12: Development of the individual and of humanity
  • Book of Speeches
    • Cape. 01: development of the soul
    • Cape. 02: Monasteries of the future
    • Cape. 03: About childhood
    • Cape. 04: satisfaction of the body vs. Development of the soul
    • Cape. 05: Living in harmony with nature
    • Cape. 06: Development of the soul through action
    • Cape. 07: About Faith / The True Lord's Supper
    • Cape. 08: Art and Religion
    • Cape. 09: Choice of profession
    • Cape. 10: The body and the development of the soul
    • Cape. 11: Knowledge / Creativity
    • Cape. 12: Artistic creation
    • Cape. 13: The laws of knowledge and belief
    • Cape. 14: Differences between terrestrial and extraterrestrial development
    • Cape. 15: About scientific and technical progress
    • Cape. 16: Path of Light vs. Way of darkness
    • Cape. 17: About the army
    • Cape. 18: The fate of different views on the word of God
    • Cape. 19: Faith and Religion
    • Cape. 20: Industrial production combined with comfort and greed
    • Cape. 21: Faith becomes visible through actions
    • Cape. 22: Man-made natural beauty / satisfaction of physical needs
    • Cape. 23: The art of helping
    • Cape. 24: Creativity / The Real and the Unreal / Fantasy
    • Cape. 25: Knowledge of extraterrestrial civilizations / intellectual knowledge without emotions
    • Cape. 26: About Faith
    • Cape. 27: Last Judgment / The Second Coming of Christ
    • Cape. 28: meditation
    • Cape. 29: Knowing the Truth
    • Cape. 30: Love of nature between man and woman
    • Cape. 31: The union of different teachings / soul development is only possible in the body
    • Cape. 32: Creator / childhood and maturity / imagination
    • Cape. 33: Formation of a “One Family” for humanity
    • Cape. 34: Uniform understanding in intellectual questions / majority decision in practical questions
    • Cape. 35: Give and take / Housing and privacy
    • Cape. 36: About dealing with authorities
    • Cape. 37: About philosophy
    • Cape. 38: Union of spiritual and rational thinking
    • Cape. 39: Family / Being there for your neighbor
    • Cape. 40: love your neighbor
    • Cape. 41: marriage and family
    • Cape. 42: Craft and Mastery
  • epilogue
    • Reality and illusion
    • Showing Faith Through Action / Mastery / Creativity
    • Everyone has a specific task in the overall structure that they must fulfill
    • You were born to give, not to take
    • "I came to you in flesh and blood"
    • What matters is the effort, not the result
    • Immense intellectual work is required to free oneself from old obstructive patterns
    • Advancing by the hand of the teacher
  • questions and answers
    • The secret of the higher and lower worlds - Hell and Paradise
    • The soul after death
    • The law of transmigration of souls - reincarnation
    • The secrets of darkness - Evil, the devil, Lucifer
    • About the end of the world - the last judgment
    • Alien civilizations

The tales of Vadim

The narratives of Wadim resemble annual reports in which events - mainly content or verbatim representation of Vissarion's meetings with his successors - were recorded.

The tales of Vadim
part Report of the year year tape editor ISBN
1 1991 1997 I. Vedic Cultural Society, Saint Petersburg 5-87383-114-9
2 1992 1997 I.
3 1993 1997 I.
4th 1994 1997 I.
5 1995 1997 I.
6th 1996 1997 I.
7th 1997 1998 II-1 (no information) (no information)
8th 1998 1999 II-2 (no information) (no information)
9 1999 2000 III-1 Masterskaya Zhizni Cheloveka 5-85952-105-7
9 1999 2001 III-2 Masterskaya Zhizni Cheloveka 5-85952-120-0
10 2000 2002 IV Masterskaya Zhizni Cheloveka 5-85952-120-0
11 2001 (not published)
12 2002 (not published)
13 2003 2004 VII Masterskaya Zhizni Cheloveka 5-85952-014-X
14th 2004 2005 VIII Masterskaya Zhizni Cheloveka 5-85952-021-2
15th 2005 2007 IX Masterskaya Zhizni Cheloveka (no information)
16 2006 2008 X Masterskaya Zhizni Cheloveka (no information)
17th 2007 2008 X Masterskaya Zhizni Cheloveka (no information)
18th 2008 2009 XI Masterskaya Zhizni Cheloveka (no information)
19th 2009 2010 XII Masterskaya Zhizni Cheloveka 978-5-94035-436-9
20th 2010 2011 XIII Masterskaya Zhizni Cheloveka 978-5-94035-467-3
21st 2011 2013 XIV Masterskaya Zhizni Cheloveka 978-5-94035-495-6
22nd 2012 2014 XV Masterskaya Zhizni Cheloveka 978-5-94035-520-5
23 2013 2015 XVI-1 Masterskaya Zhizni Cheloveka 978-5-94035-549-6
24 2014 2016 XVI-2 Church of the Last Testament 978-5-94035-558-8
25th 2015 2017 XVII Local Religious Association of the Church of the Last Testament, Kuragino 978-5-94035-562-5
26th 2016 2017 XVII Local Religious Association of the Church of the Last Testament, Kuragino 978-5-94035-562-5

Relationship between the Last and New Testaments


An essential foundation of both wills is the commandment to love one's neighbor. In the Last Testament it says in the "Proclamation":

"A lot of words have been written about faith these days, a lot has been philosophized about it. But still nobody can see that the whole huge amount of written books can be summarized in just two lines: Love God! And love your neighbor!
Because who able to love, he would never do anything contrary to God.
Century after century you have kept and handed down the commandment, which, however, in this long time no one has fulfilled and which says: "Love your enemies; bless those who curse you; do good to those who hate you; and pray for those who harm you and persecute you. "

Vissarion refers to a text handed down from Matthew in chapter 5, verse 43:

You have heard that it was said: "You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy".
But I say to you: love your enemies; bless those who curse you; do good to those who hate you; ask for those who offend and persecute you.

Major differences

Vissarion makes a distinction between the only one, (the Creator God) and the Heavenly Father.

Quote from the Last Testament, proclamation:

"Realize, children of God, the great mystery, that the Creator of the Universe and your Heavenly Father are not one and the same Source.
The difference between them is such as is shown in the nature of a flower. There is a root from which the stem of material eternity emerges and on which a wondrous one-of-a-kind bud unfolded, which gave off the scent of a new eternity.
The sole, or, as He is called in the East, the Absolute , became the root of the universe . He is the Great Father of Universe and Father of all that exists in the universe. He is the origin of the truth of material being and the source of the spirit of life (the material life force).
For man, the Heavenly Father is the wonderful fragrant bud in the universe. He is the Great Father of human souls and the Son of the Only One Your God is the origin of the truth of spiritual being and the source of the Holy Spirit (the spiritual life force ). "

Here there is a contradiction to the Apostles' Creed , which says:
"I believe in God, the Father, Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth ..."
In this creed, God the Father (the Creator) and God -Son (Heavenly Father) one.

Vissarion speaks about the law of rebirth (reincarnation)

Quote from the Last Testament, The Last Hope:

"If your soul could not exist on its own for any length of time after the destruction of the body, the Great God's Sacred Plan for the transformation of the harmony of the material world would not have come about, for the fulfillment of such a plan would have been impossible.
And there your soul is not only able to exist outside of any connection to the body, but also for an immeasurably long time without changing in any way, the Great God created a system of some laws that were responsible for the rebirths that are favorable to your development, and only thanks to this one can gradually bring you forward on the path of formation. "

The traditional Christian view, however, is skeptical of the idea of ​​reincarnation. The representatives of the Evangelical Church for sectarian and ideological issues Hansjörg Hemminger and Pastor Joachim Keden write in the "Presentation and evaluation of the Church of the Last Testament":

"According to Christianity, however, the life of man as God's creature is unique and not repeatable. Therefore, ideas of reincarnation are meaningless for biblical belief, if not contradicting them. Torop's idiosyncratic understanding of reincarnation, of paradise and hell is thanks to them despite their use biblical terms rather of theosophy (see below) than Christian sources. "

According to Vissarion, the return of Christ takes place secretly and quietly, and not spectacularly from the clouds

Quotation from the Last Testament, Book of Speeches:

“If the host came into his house with lightning and thunderbolts, then all his subjects would see the omens and shout:“ We believe in you, we have been expecting you! ”But among them there will also be those who were only awakened by the thunder and did not expect their Lord at all. But the Lord comes secretly to see everyone's real face while it is still untouched by the mighty omens and while the greedy hypocrite is still undisguised. The Lord will come softly and, on the threshold of His house sitting, He will distribute the water of life that comes from Him who sent Him, and everyone who has a great heart and wants to drink of the Heavenly Father's water will come and quench his thirst, for with his soul will he feel what comes from his father. "

In contrast, the Bible in Matthew 24, verse 30

"And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven. And then all the tribes of the earth will mourn and will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with great power and glory."

And in Revelation 1: 7:

"?? See, he comes with the clouds, and all eyes and all who have pierced him will see him, and all the families of the earth will mourn for his sake. ??"

Instead of the "Our Father" of the New Testament, a new prayer appears in the Last Testament

Vissarion's new prayer has elements of the New Testament prayer, but has been expanded to include some elements, including the inclusion of "Mother Nature" in particular.

New Testament Last testament
our father in Heaven

Blessed be your name.

Your kingdom come.

Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.

Our daily bread Give us today.

And forgive us our debts

as we also forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

Because yours is the kingdom

and the power and the glory

for eternity. Amen.

Mr! Gracious god!

Hallowed be your name in heaven and on earth, from one end of the universe to the other!

Mr! Strengthen the forces in the resistance against the forces of darkness, not only to resist them, but also to cleanse mother earth of this rubbish.

Teach to distinguish good from evil and to remain in calm and strength of the spirit in order to duly fulfill your will among men.

Strengthen the strength of my brothers and sisters - both those close to me and those not known to me.

May they see your true glory and fill their hearts with love,

and overcome the dark obstacles on the way to the light.

And may they extend their hands to each other and give each other immeasurable warmth of soul.

Mr! Your will will happen! And on earth be a united people who love their mother - nature,

that is united with you in his love and progresses on the path of true spiritual development, based on your Last Testament. Amen.

Relationship between the Last and Old Testaments

According to Vissarion, the two wills come from different sources. That is why there are no substantive relationships between them.

According to Vissarion, the Old Testament refers to the Creator, whereas the statements in both the New and Last Testaments refer to the Heavenly Father.


Critical remarks on the part of the Evangelical Church can be found above all from the commissioners for sect and ideological issues Hansjörg Hemminger and Pastor Joachim Keden, among other things in the "Presentation and evaluation of the Church of the Last Testament". There are from Hemminger and Keden u. a. critically examined the following aspects

  • Unconfirmed statements related to the life of Jesus : "Torop conveys a peculiar picture of Jesus Christ: A multitude of stories that he transmits about Jesus' earthly life, about his death on the cross and his resurrection as well as about his disciples, can neither be content nor historically with the Some of these stories have legendary features, others are borrowed from literary works and adapted accordingly. However, they claim to be the word of God. Some quotations prove the change in biblical texts or the embellishment of biblical tradition in the spirit of Torop. " This is followed by quotes that u. a.
    • Describe peculiarities of Jesus during his lifetime
    • include the claim that Jesus had 14 disciples
    • Contain statements about how long Jesus hung on the cross
    • make the claim that Vissarion knows the place of the tomb of Mother Mary (where he also knelt down on his journey to Israel)
    • Vissarion's statement on the "return in the clouds"
  • Wissarion creates an end-time vision to bind the masses to himself: "With fear-ridden end-time visions, experience shows that it is possible to create a conspiratorial, elitist community that unconditionally binds itself to the group and the master in the hope of the only ark that will save itself In our opinion, quotations confirm this evaluation " . This is followed by quotes from Vissarion's writings, in which he points to an impending apocalypse.
  • It is pointed out that Vissarion regards mother earth as a living being: "Torop pays special attention to mother earth. On the one hand he has a mystical-personal understanding of her."
  • Critical reference to Wissarion's statements about reincarnation (reincarnation of the soul).
  • Statements of Vissarion on the subject of illnesses and healing are criticized, with the assertion in the room that Vissarion advises against seeking medical care in case of illness: "Torop is convinced that illness and illness have to do with influences from the universe. "
  • Vissarion's statements on the subject of suicide are also criticized: "His statements on suicide are ambiguous and contradictory." . However, this is followed by a quote from the Last Testament, in which Vissarion clearly rejects suicide: "Vissarion, how do you assess suicide ... and does a person have a right to suicide?" asked a girl. "Man does not have such a right. I told you: reality - that is the will of God. You have been given this life, that is the will of God, and nobody can take it from you outside of his will. You have all the more not even the right to leave life. "
  • A conservative view of the man-woman relationship is stated: "Sergej Torop represents a conservative image of men and women against the background of his worldview. He starts from two principles. He assigns the spiritual to the man and the natural to the woman . "
  • In a final evaluation, Wissarion's teaching is presented as a conglomerate of different worldviews . "Torops" sermons "and" teachings "consist of a mixture of different elements of faith. Due to the intermingling and mutual penetration of different worlds of thought, it is only possible in this context to show some of the lines of tradition from which the" unified belief "Vissarion draws."
  • Hemminger and Keden's conclusion : "If the community in the Russian taiga lives as radically as Torop preaches, his success story could not only become a sect story. Damage to the physical and psychological integrity cannot be ruled out. If it were the settlement however, should compromises be made between practical necessities and religious imperatives, future history could turn out differently. That will depend to a large extent on Vissarion himself. "

The Russian Orthodox Church regards Vissarion as the false messiah and the Last Testament as heresy.

Film reports by independent authors on Vissarion and its Siberian community

  • Bells from the depths / title Bells from the Deep - Faith at Superstition in Russia , documentary by Werner Herzog ., 1993
  • In Search of the Vissarion - The Second Coming of Chris , by Benjamin Wigley, 2009.
  • The Second Coming , Documentation from National Geographic, 2010.
  • I Am Jesus is a 75-minute documentary by Fabricia Production (Italy / USA) from 2010.
  • Jesus of Siberia , documentary by VICE TV (USA), 2012.
  • Jesus of Siberia , Documentation from 16: 9 TV (Canada), 2012.
  • Jesus of Siberia , documentation by SBS Dataline (Australia), 2013.
  • Christmas with Christ , documentary by Norwegian photographer Jonas Beniksen, broadcast on NRK TV (Norway) in 2017.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Vissarion : Proclamation, verses 131 ff. In: Last Testament ,. Ökopolis eV, 2010, accessed on January 9, 2019 .
  2. List of companies "" МАСТЕРСКАЯ ЖИЗНИ ЧЕЛОВЕКА
  3. Wissarion: Article on the Internet. In: Vissarion: The Last Testament ,. Ökopolis eV, 2010, accessed on February 2, 2019 .
  4. ^ Ökopolis eV: The teaching of Wissarion. In: The Last Testament. 2010, accessed February 6, 2019 .
  5. Announcement
  6. chap. 01
  7. chap. 02
  8. chap. 03
  9. chap. 04
  10. chap. 05
  11. chap. 06
  12. chap. 07
  13. chap. 08
  14. chap. 09
  15. chap. 10
  16. chap. 11
  17. chap. 12
  18. chap. 01
  19. chap. 02
  20. chap. 03
  21. chap. 04
  22. chap. 05
  23. chap. 06
  24. chap. 07
  25. chap. 08
  26. chap. 09
  27. chap. 10
  28. chap. 11
  29. chap. 12
  30. chap. 13
  31. chap. 14th
  32. chap. 15th
  33. chap. 16
  34. chap. 17th
  35. chap. 18th
  36. chap. 19th
  37. chap. 20th
  38. chap. 21st
  39. chap. 22nd
  40. chap. 23
  41. chap. 24
  42. chap. 25th
  43. chap. 26th
  44. chap. 27
  45. chap. 28
  46. chap. 29
  47. chap. 30th
  48. chap. 31
  49. chap. 32
  50. chap. 33
  51. chap. 34
  52. chap. 35
  53. chap. 36
  54. chap. 37
  55. chap. 38
  56. chap. 39
  57. chap. 40
  58. chap. 41
  59. chap. 42
  60. Epilogue
  61. Questions and Answers
  62. Vissarion : Proclamation, verses 174 ff. In: Last Testament ,. Ökopolis eV, April 1, 2010, accessed on January 9, 2019 .
  63. Biblical Online Matthäus, chap. 5, verse 43
  64. Vissarion : Proclamation, verses 52 ff. In: Last Testament ,. Ökopolis eV, April 1, 2010, accessed on January 9, 2019 .
  65. Vissarion: Last Hope, chap. 7, verses 61ff. In: Last Testament. Ökopolis eV, April 1, 2010, accessed on January 9, 2019 .
  66. ^ Hansjörg Hemminger and Pastor Joachim Keden: Presentation and evaluation of the Church of the Last Testament, section reincarnation. In: Religio. Dipl. Theol. Winfried Müller, 1995, accessed February 1, 2019 .
  67. Wissarion: Book of Speeches, chap. 27, verse 23ff. In: Last Testament. Ökopolis eV, April 1, 2010, accessed on January 9, 2019 .
  68. EKD / ​​Matthäus: Matthäus 24, Vers 30. In: The Bible. EKD, January 9, 2019, accessed on January 9, 2019 .
  69. Bibleinfo / John: Second Coming of Jesus. In: The Bible - Revelation of John. Bibleinfo, January 9, 2019, accessed January 9, 2019 .
  70. Vissarion: The Prayer. In: Last Testament. Ökopolis eV, 2010, accessed on January 30, 2019 .
  71. Our Father of the EKD. Retrieved January 28, 2019 .
  72. Vissarion: Speeches. In: Last Testament. Ökopolis eV, 2010, accessed on January 30, 2019 .
  73. Dr. habil. Hansjörg Hemminger and Pastor Joachim Keden: Presentation and evaluation of the Church of the Last Testament. In: Religio. Dipl. Theol. Winfried Müller, 1995, accessed February 1, 2019 .
  74. Victor Pasetschnjuk: Why Christianity does not accept the teaching of Vissarion . In: The anti-sectarian. Karatuz Village Orthodox Congregation, 2015, accessed February 1, 2019 (Russian).
  75. Werner Herzog: Bells From The Deep ,. Werner Herzog, 2003, accessed February 6, 2019 .
  76. ^ Benjamin Wigley: The Second Coming of Christ. artdocs, 2009, accessed on February 6, 2019 .
  77. ^ The Second Coming ,. National Geographic , 2010, accessed February 6, 2019 .
  78. I Am Jesus. Fabricia Production, 2010, accessed February 6, 2019 .
  79. Jesus of Siberia. VICE TV, 2012, accessed February 6, 2019 .
  80. Jesus of Siberia. 16: 9 TV, 2012, accessed February 6, 2019 .
  81. Jesus of Siberia. SBS Dataline, 2013, accessed February 6, 2019 .
  82. Jonas Beniksen: Christmas with Christ. NRK TV, 2017, accessed February 6, 2019 .