Luminaire file for accident escape investigations

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The luminaire file for accident escape research , LUNA for short , is used to identify automobile models after a traffic accident with a hit and run . The database of the Federal Criminal Police Office has existed since the early 1970s. At the end of 2007 it comprised around 53,000 data records with more than 220,000 individual pieces of information.


The LUNA is based on the fact that in traffic accidents, fragments of the vehicles involved in the accident are often left behind. These can be evaluated below. LUNA offers the possibility of using identified identification and test numbers that are required and attached to the lighting equipment of various vehicles to determine the vehicle model as well as the type and year of construction. In addition, company names, serial numbers or part numbers attached by the manufacturers can provide information about the vehicle type.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Tom Debus: CSI hit and run . In: Berliner Zeitung , November 17, 2007