Li Xin (General)

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Li Xin (* 3rd century BC ) was a Chinese general who is best known as the commander of the first campaign against Chu , which he undertook for his homeland Qin .


Li Xin achieved his first successes as a commander in an attack on Yan State . Since he was one of the youngest generals of the Qin, he was already considered a great hope for the future of the military. 225 BC His king gave him supreme command of the campaign against the kingdom of Chu . In the same year Li Xin and the general Meng Tian invaded Chu at the head of an army of 200,000 men. After the first military successes, they divided up the army and Li Xin and his troops advanced deep into the enemy territory. On the march, however, he was attacked by the General of the Chu, Xiang Yan, and suffered a severe defeat. His army disintegrated and disintegrated. The first campaign had failed and the Qin around their ruler Qin Shihuangdi had suffered their greatest defeat so far during the war of unification. As a result, Li Xin was forced to resign shortly afterwards. He was succeeded by Wang Jian , who completely conquered Chu within a few months.

Individual evidence

  1. Li, Xiabong: China at War, Santa Barbara / Denver / Oxford, 2002, p 363rd