Liberal Hawk

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The expression Liberal Hawk ( English for Liberal Falcon ) refers to people of the left-liberal spectrum who represent a more interventionist standpoint in terms of foreign policy . Because of the role they played in America's transformation into a leading military nation, US Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt , Harry S. Truman , John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson have been referred to as Liberal Hawks in the past . This term is also used in connection with Bill Clinton's interventionist approach to trouble spots, known as the Clinton Doctrine .

The ideology of the liberal hawks is based on Wilson's ideal (from WK I ), spread from the Cold War era and first became apparent with regard to “humanistic invasions” in relation to Bosnia during the 1990s.

In the more recent past those people of the left-wing camp who advocated the invasion of Iraq in 2003 or who still do so today or who generally propagate the so-called “ War on Terror ” have been referred to as Liberal Falcons . Both neoliberals and “liberal hawks” speak of human rights, markets, globalization, multilateralism, feminism. Both groups formed alliances with the neoconservatives to support the war against Iraq.

The journalist Virginia Heffernan uses the term "feminist hawk" in an analogous way.


Valerie M. Hudson, Patricia Leidl: The Hillary Doctrine. Sex and American Foreign Policy. Columbia University Press, New York 2015.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Howard Brick, Christopher Phelps: Radicals in America. The US Left since the Second World War. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2015, p. 297.
  2. Michael MacDonald: Overreach. Delusions of Regime Change in Iraq. Harvard University Press, Cambridge and London 2014, p. 146.
  3. ^ New York Times, Virginia Heffernan (2009): The Feminist Hawks

See also

Social chauvinism