Song of the restless youth

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The Song of Restless Youth ( Russian Песня О Тревожной Молодости ) is a popular Soviet song in Russian . It was founded in 1958 by the composer Alexandra Pachmutowa and the poet Lew Oschanin for the adventure film On the other hand ( Russian По ту сторону ) of Fyodor Ivanovich Fillipow ( Russian Фёдор Иванович Филиппов written), the adventures of two members of the Komsomol in the Russian civil war at a secret mission behind the front line of the White Army in 1921.

In the GDR it was sung in the translation by Heidi Kirmße as a song of the restless youth in the singing movement . There are interpretations of the song by Feeling B (1989) and Rammstein (2001), among others . The song will be played in a choir version in episode 10 of the second season of the series Deutschland 86 .

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  1. Екатерина Добрынина. Песни о партии, о Комсомоле // А.Пахмутова. - Советский композитор, 1973.
  2. ↑ Based on the novel of the same name by Viktor Pawlowitsch Kin , published in 1928 , translated into German as In the back of the whites by Ellen Zunk .