Exact functor

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Exact functor is a mathematical term from category theory .


An additive , covariant functor is called

  • semi- exact if is exact
  • left exact if is exact
  • right exact , if is exact
  • exact , if is exact

for all short exact sequences in .

A contravariant functor is called half / left / right / exact if it is a covariant functor .

Semi-exact functors between Abelian categories are additive functors .


  • The Hom functors and are left exact.
  • The tensor product functors and are right exact .
  • The functor “global cuts” on the category of sheaves from Abelian groups into the category of Abelian groups is exact left, see sheaf cohomology .
  • For a finite group , the functor “ G -invariants” from the category of the modules into the category of the Abelian groups is exact left, see group cohomology .
  • The dual space function in the category of Banach spaces with the continuous linear mappings as morphisms is exact, as can be seen from the theorem of the closed image .
  • For any natural number is the functor
on the category of Abelian groups is additive and contains mono- and epimorphisms, but is not exact.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Peter Hilton: Lectures in Homological Algebra. American Mathematical Society, 2005, ISBN 0-8218-3872-5 , definition 3.1.
  2. Götz Brunner: Homological Algebra. BI-Wissenschaftsverlag, 1973, ISBN 3-411-014420-2 , Chapter III, Definition 32.
  3. ^ Peter Hilton: Lectures in Homological Algebra. American Mathematical Society, 2005, ISBN 0-8218-3872-5 , set 3.2.