List of Abbots of Engelberg Monastery

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The following list is a listing of all abbots of Engelberg Monastery . The Benedictine monastery Engelberg was founded in 1120 by the nobleman Konrad von Sellenbüren . The years refer to the term of office.

  1. Adelhelm (1120–1131, from Muri Monastery )
    Between 1131 and 1147 three abbots worked, who were deleted from the annals due to their bad behavior and are only named with "Ababbates". They are not included in the official count.
  2. Frowin (1143–1178, from the St. Blasien Monastery )
  3. Berchtold I (1178–1197)
  4. Henry I (1197-1223)
  5. Henry II (1223–1241)
  6. Werner (1241-1250)
  7. Walter I. von Ilberg (1250–1267)
  8. Walter II of Cham (1267–1276)
  9. Arnold von Wil (1276–1296)
  10. Ulrich I of Stansstad (1296–1298)
  11. Rudolf I. Schertleib (1298-1317)
  12. Walter III. Amstutz (1317–1331)
  13. Wilhelm von Wolfenschiessen (1331–1347)
  14. Henry III. from Sempach (1347–1359)
  15. Nicholas I of Wisserlen (1359-1360)
  16. Rudolf II of Stühlingen (1360–1398)
  17. Walter IV. Mirer (1398–1420)
  18. Johann I Coppersmith (1420–1421)
  19. Johann II. Kummer (1421–1429 and 1431–1435)
  20. Johann III. de Wida (1429-1431)
    Second term of office of Johann II. Kummer (1431–1435)
  21. Rudolf III. Kaufmann (1435–1441 and 1450)
  22. John IV Strin (1442–1450)
    Second term of office of Rudolf III. Merchant (1450)
  23. Johann V. Ambühl (1450-1458)
  24. Heinrich IV. Porter (1458–1478 and 1499–1505)
  25. Ulrich II. Stadler (1478–1489)
  26. Nicholas II Free (1489–1490)
  27. Johann VI. Ethon (1490-1499)
    Second term of office of Henry IV. Porter (1499–1505)
  28. Barnabas Bürki (1505–1546)
  29. Johann VII. Spörlin (1547–1548)
  30. Bernhard Ernst (1548–1553)
  31. Jodok (Theodor) Ernst (1553–1574)
  32. Rudolf IV. Gwicht (1574–1576)
  33. Jakob Suter (1576–1583)
  34. Gabriel Blattmann (1584–1592)
  35. Andreas Herrsch (1592–1600)
  36. Melchior Rizzi (1600–1603)
  37. Jakob Benedikt Sigerist (1603–1619)
  38. Benedikt Keller (1619-1630)
  39. Plazidus I. Knüttel (1630–1658)
  40. Ignaz I. Betschart (1658–1681)
  41. Gregor Fleischlin (1681–1686)
  42. Ignaz II Burnott (1686-1693)
  43. Plazidus II. Hess (1693–1694)
  44. Joachim Albini (1694-1724)
  45. Maurus I. Rinderli (1724-1730)
  46. Emanuel Crivelli (1730–1749)
  47. Maurus II. Zink (Zingg) (1749–1769)
  48. Leodegar I. Salzmann (1769–1798)
    Between 1798 and 1803, in the Helvetic Republic , Engelberg Monastery was forbidden to elect an abbot and to accept novices. During this time, Father Karl Stadler acted as administrator and was subsequently elected abbot.
  49. Karl Stadler (1803-1822)
  50. Eugen von Büren (1822-1851)
  51. Plazidus III. Tanner (1851-1866)
  52. Anselm Villiger (1866–1901)
  53. Leodegar II. Scherer (1901-1914)
  54. Basil Fellmann (1914–1929)
  55. Bonaventura Egger (1929–1931)
  56. Leger III Hunkeler (1931-1956)
  57. Leonhard Bösch (1956–1988)
  58. Berchtold II. Müller (1988-2010)
  59. Christian Meyer (since 2010)
