List of mountains in Martinique

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List of mountains in Martinique

Northern part of the island

  • Montagne Pelée (volcano), 1397 m (highest mountain in Martinique )
  • Morne Macouba, 1282 m
  • Pitons du Carbet (Piton Lacroix 1196 m, Piton Dumauzé 1109 m, Piton de l'Alma 1105 m, Piton Boucher 1069 m)
  • Morne Piquet, 1159 m
  • Piton Marcel, 1017 m
  • Morne Chapeau Nègre, 911 m
  • Piton Mont Conil, 895 m
  • Morne Jacob, 884 m
  • Aileron, 824 m
  • Morne du Lorrain, 785 m
  • Morne Bellevue, 693 m

Southern part of the island

  • Montagne du Vauclin, 504 m (highest mountain on the South Island)
  • Morne Larcher, 478 m
  • Morne Bigot, 467 m
  • Morne Genty, 400 m