List of licensing procedures for external service by the Swiss Federal Council 1859–1927

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From the years 1859–1927, eighty-two approval procedures for individual foreign service by the Federal Council for sixteen armies are known.

The Federal Constitution of 1848 and especially the Federal Law of 1859 meant the end of Swiss troops in foreign service . However, the Swiss citizen was still allowed to do individual foreign service as long as he did not neglect his Swiss tax and military service obligations. Only if he wanted to join foreign, non-national troops, did he need the approval of the Federal Council, which could issue this “for the purpose of training in the interests of the Swiss Army ”.

With the Military Criminal Law of 1927, this individual foreign service was also finally banned, unless approved by the Federal Council.


The following lists show the applicants and inquirers and their official notices for the armies concerned (arranged in alphabetical order) according to the year of application (in ascending order).

Affected armies

Armies of the American Civil Wars

# Surname First name Degree / occupation / function origin year Authority decision
1 Pfyffer Robert officer Lucerne 1861 Request for diplomatic assistance refused.
2 Books Johann
3 Bachelin Emile lieutenant Neuchâtel 1864 Entry request unnecessary, as national troops. Reference to cantonal obligations.

Belgian colonial army

British Army

# Surname First name Degree / occupation / function origin year Authority decision
5 fear Gottlieb lieutenant Zurich 1879 Application for entry (also in Dutch army) approved, as national troop (s).
6th Michel Gustav lieutenant Lucerne 1879 Entry application approved, although unnecessary, as national troops.
7th Borel Gustave First lieutenant Neuchâtel 1926 Notification that entry with Swiss nationality is impossible. Offer of support when joining the French Foreign Legion.

Bulgarian army

# Surname First name Degree / occupation / function origin year Authority decision
8th Dull Alfred vet Zurich 1886 Entry application as a veterinarian unnecessary, as national troops. No diplomatic support. Reference to a vacation request in the Swiss Army.
9 Rebmann Jacob

German Army , Royal Prussian Army and Imperial Navy

# Surname First name Degree / occupation / function origin year Authority decision
10 Alder Adolf Appenzell aR 1870 Entry request for the Prussian Army unnecessary if not assigned to the Swiss Army.
11 Laager Fridolin Glarus 1870 Entry request for the Prussian Army unnecessary if not assigned to the Swiss Army.
12 Zehnder Otto Officer candidate St. Gallen 1875 When his father Zehnder Andreas applied to join the Imperial Navy, his son Otto (15) was too young.
13 Sulzer Max of Cavalry lieutenant Zurich 1875 Application for entry into the Prussian Army approved.
14th Erlach Berchtold from Officer candidate Bern 1876 Application for entry to the Prussian Army approved by Grand Councilor Ludwig von Wattenwil for Erlach (20).
15th Buchmann Adolf trumpeter Basel 1878 Entry request for the German Army approved, although unnecessary, by the National Army.
16 Pasquier Edgar you Neuchâtel 1879 Entry request for the German army approved, although unnecessary, as a national army.
17th Freshness Carl Moritz Ludwig von Frankfurt 1882 Father Otto von Frisching's application for entry into the Prussian Army for his son (18) approved and his exemption from service in the Swiss Army granted.
18th Steiger Alphons of Berlin 1886 Inquiries from the Swiss legation for application for entry into the Prussian Army answered positively, as von Steiger (19) was postponed when recruiting the Swiss Army due to his chest size being too small and therefore not compulsory.
19th Perrot Fernand Cavalry lieutenant Neuchâtel 1890 Entry into the German Armed Forces as a German officer with Swiss nationality made impossible because no certificate of discharge from the Swiss Armed Forces was issued.
20th Meuron Albert de 1890 Application for entry into the German Navy by father Eduard de Meuron for his son (18) approved, as a national troop.
21st black Alfred Marienburg 1891 Application for entry into the Prussian army of the imperial German embassy in Bern to Federal President Welti approved by the military department.
22nd Glutz Joseph of Solothurn 1892 Father Albert von Glutz's application for entry into the German army for his son is unnecessary and a possible re-entry as an officer in the Swiss army after discharge from the German army is possible.
23 Tscharner Friedrich of Dragoon Lieutenant Paderborn 1894 Application for entry into the German Army as an officer approved and dispensed from service in the Swiss Army for the duration of the service.
24 Intoxication Heinrich Schaffhausen 1895 Entry request for the German army unnecessary, as national army.
25th Jéquier Robert Neuchâtel 1895 Request for leave for the German army from father Jean Jéquier unnecessary if his son is not recruited by the Swiss army, as national troops.

French army

# Surname First name Degree / occupation / function origin year Authority decision
26th Rage Jacob Medical student Appenzell aR 1864 Unsuccessful diplomatic support from the French War Ministry to enter the military medical school in Strasbourg.
27 Wireless Alexander Colonel Bern 1870 Entry request for the French army unnecessary, as national army and no diplomatic support.
28 Ecoeur Séraphin Medical student Lyon 1870 Approval to join the international auxiliary force of the French Army as a medic, if not assigned to the Swiss Army.
29 Warnery Arthur Fire chief Tenay, Ain department 1870 Entry into the French National Guard approved, if not subject to military service in Switzerland.
30th Jobin ? Belfort 1875 Inquiry from the Swiss embassy in Paris answered that application for admission to the École Spéciale Militaire de St. Cyr was unnecessary as the graduates would join national troops.

French colonial troops and French Foreign Legion

# Surname First name Degree / occupation / function origin year Authority decision
31 Eberhardt Eduard painter Bern 1880 Application for entry into the French Foreign Legion approved in order to be trained for the Swiss instruction service.
32 White hair Oscar Fortress artillery lieutenant 1893 Official clarifications in France, England, Holland and Belgium as to whether entry into the French Foreign Legion of a Swiss person as an officer in their «colonial army» is possible.
33 Jacky Albert First lieutenant Algeria 1894/96 Subsequent application by his family in Neuchâtel to join the French Foreign Legion not approved.
34 Monod Henri First lieutenant Vaud 1895 Application for entry into the French colonial troops approved on condition that it was not known what type of troop it was; if she did not belong to the national troops, the Federal Council would grant permission to join, otherwise a Federal Council approval would be superfluous anyway.
35 Junod Edouard lieutenant Geneva 1897 Application to join the French Foreign Legion approved as an officer.
36 Wake up Ernest de officer Freiburg 1897 Application to join the French Foreign Legion approved as an officer.
37 army Charles Captain, instruction officer 1900 Vacation request and entry into the French Foreign Legion as first lieutenant approved.
38 Davall Edmond lieutenant Vaud 1900 Application to join the French Foreign Legion approved.
39 White Roger de lieutenant Vaud 1904 Application to join the French Foreign Legion approved.
40 Mounts René lieutenant Geneva 1907 Approval granted as an intern in the French Foreign Legion, denied as a sub-lieutenant.

Italian army

# Surname First name Degree / occupation / function origin year Authority decision
41 Rüedy Johann doctor Schwyz 1866 Information to Rüedy that Italian citizenship is the first prerequisite for joining the Italian Army.

Royal Dutch Indian Army

# Surname First name Degree / occupation / function origin year Authority decision
42 Gelpke Otto First Lieutenant Basel 1876 Entry as military doctor approved.
43 Tissot Frédéric Louis prisoner Neuchâtel 1879 Message to Pastor Lardy that the request is unnecessary as the Dutch Army of India is a national force.
44 Kläsi Konrad doctor Glarus 1879 The official request of the Dutch consul general in Switzerland to authorize the entry of Swiss nationals as military doctors in the Dutch Indian Army and publication of the request with its conditions as an advertisement was answered in the affirmative, as it was regarded as a national force.
45 Glaziers George doctor Bern 1879
46 Erni Heinrich doctor Zurich 1879
47 Günther Arnold doctor Zurich 1879
48 Seelhofer Albert lieutenant Bern 1880 Request unnecessary, as national troops.
49 Leuzinger Fridolin First lieutenant, assistant doctor 1880 Application for entry as a military doctor approved.

Imperial and Royal Austro-Hungarian Army and Navy

# Surname First name Degree / occupation / function origin year Authority decision
50 Gendre Auguste Marie Aimé Teacher Trieste 1862 Approval to the State Council of Freiburg to allow entry into the Austrian Army.
51 Dearer Fritz Robert Karlsruhe 1869 Application for the Austrian Army unnecessary as it is a national force.
52 Hold Konrad Jakob Thomas 1872 Application for the Austrian Army unnecessary as it is a national force.
53 Grand Alexander 1873 Application to join the Austrian Army approved.
54 Rodt Gottfried von 1870 Application to join the Austrian Army approved.
55 Oppliger Karl Cadet Slavonia 1876/77 Application for entry into the Austrian army from father Oppliger from Basel in the Austrian army / cadet school was approved, as a national troop.
56 Lutz Arthur Unemployed Hungary 1877 Entry into the Austrian Army approved, as national troops.
57 Zekeli serious St. Gallen 1877 Entry into the Austrian Army approved, as national troops.
58 Meuli Jacob Grisons 1878 Application for the Austrian Army approved.
59 Sword Carl Artillery lieutenant Basel 1878 Application for the Austrian Army approved.
60 Zollikofer Gustav of Law student St. Gallen 1878 Application for the Austrian Army approved, as national troops.
61 Öttli John Train soldier St. Gallen 1878 Application for the Austrian Army approved, as national troops.
62 Wattenwyl Albert Januarius from Silesia 1879 Permission to join the Austrian Army was granted to the Bernese Grand Councilor Ludwig von Wattenwyl for his nephew Alnert Januarius (19), as a national troop.
63 Bois Fernand you Neuchâtel 1879 Application for the Austrian Army approved, as national troops.
64 Bürcher Karl Valais 1880 Application for the Austrian Army approved, as national troops.
65 Albertini Adolf Grisons 1881 Application for the Austrian Army approved, as national troops.
66 Lutz Robert Eduard Styria 1887 Answer to father Conrad Adolf Lutz that permission is not required for his son (14) to enter the Naval Academy.
67 Count Adolf Sticker Appenzell aR 1893 Answer to Graf that the application to join the Navy is unnecessary, as national troops
68 Weydmann Philipp August Baden near Vienna 1895 Application for the Austrian Navy approved, as national troops.
69 Leutenegger Karl Linz 1895 Application for the Austrian Navy unnecessary as it is a national force.
70 serious Ferdinand of Austria 1895 The request of the father Eduard von Errnst-Marcuard for his son Ferdinand to enter the artillery cadet school is unnecessary, as a national troop.
71 Jenny Gottfried High school student innsbruck 1906 Entry into the infantry cadet school does not require a permit, as national troops.

Papal regiments

# Surname First name Degree / occupation / function origin year Authority decision
73 Peyer Franz lieutenant Lucerne 1865 Application refused.

Polish Army

# Surname First name Degree / occupation / function origin year Authority decision
74 Landis Arnold Dragoons lieutenant 1920/1929 Request unnecessary, as national troops / subsequent approval for entry and promotion to captain.

Russian army

# Surname First name Degree / occupation / function origin year Authority decision
75 Wild Leopold Artillery instructor Bern 1860 Application approved, as national troops.
76 Deggeler Samuel Russia 1869 Application approved, as national troops.
77 Doner Heinrich Friedrich St. Petersburg 1879 Application approved.

Serbian Army

# Surname First name Degree / occupation / function origin year Authority decision
78 Suter Karl Major, infantry instructor 1876 Application approved, condition: resignation from the Swiss Army and the instruction corps.
79 Gruebler Conrad construction engineer Aargau 1877 Application approved.
80 Eugster Anton Feldweibel Appenzell iR 1877 Application approved.

Spanish army

# Surname First name Degree / occupation / function origin year Authority decision
81 Blaser Arthur of lieutenant Madrid 1876 Application approved.

Turkish army

# Surname First name Degree / occupation / function origin year Authority decision
82 Fuster Dr. ? doctor Appenzell iR 1876 Application as military doctor approved because the national troops and Fuster (60) are no longer compulsory.

See also


  • Guido Mülhaupt: ... for the purposes of the patriotic defense system ... - The federal administration of foreign services 1859-1927 . Master's thesis in Modern History, Faculty of Philosophy and History at the University of Bern, 2012.

Individual evidence

  1. Guido Mülhaupt: ... for the purposes of the patriotic defense system ... - The federal administration of foreign services 1859-1927 . Master's thesis in Modern History, Faculty of Philosophy and History, University of Bern, 2012.
  2. ^ Federal Constitution of September 12, 1848 in the first Federal Gazette 1849:

    Article 11
    No military surrender may be concluded.
    Article 12
    The members of the federal authorities, the federal civil and military officials and the federal representatives and commissioners may not accept pensions or salaries, titles, gifts or medals from foreign governments.
    If they are already in possession of pensions, titles or medals, they have to refrain from enjoying pensions and wearing the titles and medals during their term of office.
    Subordinate civil servants and employees can, however, be approved by the Federal Council to continue drawing pensions.

  3. Federal law, concerning advertising and entry into foreign military service (of September 30, 1859):

    Article 1
    Entry into those troops abroad that are not to be regarded as national troops of the state concerned is prohibited to any Swiss citizen without the approval of the Federal Council.
    The Federal Council can only grant such a permit for the purpose of further training for the purposes of the patriotic defense system.

  4. ↑ more understandable interpretation of the legal text, "only for the purpose of further training for the purposes of the patriotic defense system", which left the Federal Council a certain margin of discretion
  5. ^ Military Criminal Law of June 13, 1927:

    Article 94 A
    Swiss citizen who enters into foreign military service without the permission of the Federal Council is punished with imprisonment of up to three years or a fine.