List of soil monuments in Stolpen

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In the list of soil monuments in Stolpen , the soil monuments of the municipality of Stolpen and its districts are listed according to the status of the list by Harald Quietzsch and Heinz Jacob from 1982. Any changes and additions, especially from the time after the fall of the Wall , are not taken into account, as there are currently no newer, generally accessible soil monument lists for Saxony . The architectural monuments are listed in the list of cultural monuments in Stolpen .

Monument ID Find type District designation Time position location Remarks image
? Attachment Old town Hussitenschanze weir system middle Ages southwest of the village, east of the church Oberhelmsdorf Spacious area, originally probably completely enclosed by a ring wall, wall remnants received protection since August 16, 1934, renewed December 21, 1959
? special stone Old town Stone cross Late Middle Ages southern district, north at Talstrasse 14 in Niederaltstadt, garden Protection since February 28, 1972 Steinkreuz Talstraße 14 Stolpen.JPG
? special stone Old town Stone cross Late Middle Ages eastern outskirts, south on the ravine to the mountain houses Inscription plaque added later, protection since February 28, 1972 Stolpen 2.jpg
? special stone Rennersdorf Stone cross Late Middle Ages southern outskirts, northeast on the road to Stolpen, southwest of the estate Protection since December 20, 1971 Rennersdorf II Steinkreuz.jpg
? special stone Rennersdorf Stone cross Late Middle Ages southern outskirts, northeast on the road to Stolpen, south of the estate Protection since December 20, 1971 Rennersdorf I Steinkreuz.jpg
? special stone Stumble Stone cross Late Middle Ages northeast outskirts, before Bischofswerdaer Straße 20 Marked on the cross, protection since February 28, 1972 Cross Stolpen 7.jpg
? special stone Stumble Stone cross Late Middle Ages in the village, fourth courtyard, southeast side, walled into the wall to the third courtyard only top part preserved, protection since February 28, 1972
? Fortification> castle Stumble Weir system " Burg Stolpen " middle Ages southern location multi-part hilltop castle, changed through building over BurgStolpen.jpg


  • Harald Quietzsch , Heinz Jacob : The protected ground monuments in the Dresden district (= small writings of the State Museum for Prehistory Dresden. Volume 2). State Museum for Prehistory, Dresden 1982, pp. 72, 75–76.