Street Football / Episode List

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This list of Street Football episodes contains all the episodes of the French animated series Street Football . The television series currently comprises four seasons with 78 episodes.

season 1

( total )
( St. )
German title Original title First broadcast in France German language first broadcast (D)
1 1 - Duel au vieux port TBA 2007 -
2 2 - Goal surprise TBA 2007 -
3 3 - Mise à l'épreuve TBA 2007 -
4th 4th - L'amitié d'un capitaine TBA 2007 -
5 5 - Le Lion d'Afrique TBA 2007 -
6th 6th - Les Tigres de papier TBA 2007 -
7th 7th - Naissance d'un rêve TBA 2007 -
8th 8th - La grande sélection TBA 2007 -
9 9 - Un choix impossible TBA 2007 -
10 10 - Les Diables du Bronx TBA 2007 -
11 11 - Le Mondial de Foot de rue TBA 2007 -
12 12 - Les ennemis dans l'ombre TBA 2007 -
13 13 - Les inséparables TBA 2007 -
14th 14th - Romance brésilienne TBA 2007 -
15th 15th - L'institut est en danger TBA 2007 -
16 16 - Secrets enfouis TBA 2007 -
17th 17th - Carton rouge TBA 2007 -
18th 18th - À la lueur des étoiles TBA 2007 -
19th 19th - Les Scorpions du Désert TBA 2007 -
20th 20th - Le secret de Mamie Riffler TBA 2007 -
21st 21st - Les Dragons de Shanghai TBA 2007 -
22nd 22nd - Gabriel a craqué TBA 2007 -
23 23 - Sponsor secret TBA 2007 -
24 24 - Vaincre avec l'ennemi TBA 2007 -
25th 25th - Le meilleur d'entre nous TBA 2007 -
26th 26th - Black out sur la finale TBA 2007 -

season 2

The first broadcast of season 2 in Germany on Tele 5 was not in chronological order.

( total )
( St. )
German title Original title Summary First broadcast in France German language first broadcast (D)
27 1 Two new ones for the blues 2 Bleus chez les Bleus After the Tekno twins have left the Blues team, Tag, Eloise and Gabriel also want to turn their backs on street football, but after an official challenge from the rabid psycho killers, the three kids from Maryport change their minds. Now they are only two players short, because in street football you have to be at least five ... TBA 2008 Apr 18, 2011
28 2 What happened if? Jongler avec son passé Jeremy is contacted by his ex-team, the Skyrunners. They are the champions in the urban ball and want it back. He doesn't know what to do: either plunge into the adventure of World Cup qualification with the Blues or live total freedom with the Skyunners. Only a game between the two teams will help him decide ... TBA 2008 April 19, 2011
29 3 The hard cores Les Irreductibles During a football tournament, the Blues are approached by a boy, Stephan, who is in a wheelchair. He challenges them to play against his team, the Indestructables, the Indestructible. What are the blues supposed to do? Even more, where Manu, Stephan's big brother and leader of a gangster gang, thinks nothing of this idea ... TBA 2008 April 20, 2011
30th 4th Pepped up Une pêche d'enfer The blues watch the encounter between the tigers and their opponents, the desperados. One of the players has incredible physical strength. Tag and Co. believe he is drugged. That is not how it works... TBA 2008 Apr 26, 2011
31 5 Show the machos, girls Matcho match Samira and her friend Manuela want to take part in an indoor soccer game, but are rudely put in front of the door just because they are girls. Together with Eloise, the two finally manage to get back into the hall with the help of a trick and take part in the tournament. The friends earn the respect of the whole city. Meanwhile, Tag, Gabriel and Jeremy are struggling with a baby ... TBA 2008 Apr 21, 2011
32 6th Wrong game Un cœur brisé Jeremy has Samira, Tag is with Eloise. The lonely Gabriel falls in love with Marie, a young thing who shares his passion for poetry slamen. When another game for the World Cup qualification is due, Gabriel drifts further and further from street football under the influence of Marie, even though Shark has found a fabulous coach! Is Marie serious? TBA 2008 Apr 27, 2011
33 7th Bad blood Anciennes rancœurs Victoria, a friend of Eloise, wants to join the Blues at all costs. When she learns that the street football team no longer needs players, she still tries everything to make her dream come true. Victoria even goes so far as to hurt Eloise. When that comes out, she swears revenge on the blues and especially on Eloise ... TBA 2008 Apr 28, 2011
34 8th Operation Dakar Operation Dakar Gabriel was invited to Dakar by his parents for his birthday. So he posts a message on the street football website that he wants to collect equipment for the children in Africa and take them home. The response is overwhelming: Gabriel can never bring all these things there alone. This is how the idea comes up of traveling to Senegal with the entire team. Will that work? TBA 2008 Apr 29, 2011
35 9 The saisai Les Saï-Saï The Blues reach Dakar and are welcomed by the legendary Sai-Sai, the best team in Senegal. The African final before the next World Cup is coming up! Gabriel is in seventh heaven: he will see the game live and together with his parents. But there is trouble and the story turns out to be very different from what he had imagined ... TBA 2008 0May 2, 2011
36 10 The secret of the black devils Les Diables noirs The renowned St. Xavier boarding school decides not to leave glory to the Riffler Institute. Victoria Venier, called Vic, the director's daughter, puts together a team of students. But she soon realizes that it is too weak and recruits players from all over the world. The black devils are born and face the blues in a crucial game ... TBA 2008 0May 3, 2011
37 11 Father wanted Trop de pères pour day One day, by pure chance, Jeremy discovers an adoption letter in the office of the boarding school director Miss Adelaide. It reveals the identity of Tag's biological father. When Tag found out about this, he was shocked. He, a homeless brat! Tag is so badly hit that he threatens to screw up the next qualifying game in Maryport ... TBA 2008 0May 4, 2011
38 12 The football factory The ballons de la honte The Blues are on their way to Asia to play an important qualifying game for the World Cup. There they discover that the children who play in the Serpents of Mekong team have to work in an exploitative factory and are even kept away from school. The blues come to their aid immediately. TBA 2008 0May 6, 2011
39 13 Good old times Sur la touche The Teknos organize a small friendship tournament with the Blues. Jeremy and Samira agree that the Tekno brothers take their old places on the blues team for this game. But when the Blues become a dream team, the two fear for their position. The Blues should go into a decisive match against the Black Eagles immediately ... TBA 2008 0May 5, 2011
40 14th What's wrong with Jeremy? Les liens oubliés The Magic Boars from a distant city are becoming more and more famous. You are not yet good enough to play against the world champion. But a friendship game is scheduled. Didi, one of the players, looks strikingly similar to Jeremy. When Jeremy injures him, he is suspended for the next three games. Then it turns out that Victoria is behind Jeremy's lockdown ... TBA 2008 0May 9, 2011
41 15th Bets Perso Fede has received a list of the best shooters in the qualifying round. Jeremy is in first place, just before day. An open competition between the two boys begins. All the more so as Eloise seems to succumb to the charm of Jeremy. When even the morale and cohesion of the team suffer from the rivalry between the two, something has to be done. TBA 2008 May 10, 2011
42 16 The wild cats Les Chats sauvages The Wildcats are a team of young gypsies who live in a camp near Maryport. They want to make a name for themselves in street football and challenge the blues of all people to a fight! They go into the match with their very own strategy. But then at the end of the game the police appear and demand that the gypsy children leave the field as quickly as possible ... TBA 2008 May 11, 2011
43 17th A pact with the devils Pacte avec les diables A match is planned. But when Jeremy learns that his favorite rappers are giving a concert in Maryport, he decides against the match and the music and sends Shark into the game. On the field, the Blues discover that two opposing players have been substituted for Black Devils. What should they do? At the same time, Jeremy discovers that the concert has been canceled. TBA 2008 May 13, 2011
44 18th The polar bears Les our blancs The Blues have been invited to Greenland. They are supposed to train the Polar Bears, who will soon have to pass the qualifiers against Siberia, Alaska and Svalbard. At first it doesn't look like they can do it. But thanks to the help of the Blues, they emerge victorious from the games. But then suddenly the Polar Bears are supposed to play against the Blues ... TBA 2008 May 16, 2011
45 19th A trap for Eloise Match piège A friendly game has been agreed between the Blues and Victoria's team, the Black Devils. This is to raise money for a charitable organization. But during the match, the Blues players find out that they are trapped in an elaborate trap. You are completely unexpectedly in a new World Cup decision-making round with a formidable opponent. TBA 2008 May 17, 2011
46 20th 24 minutes 24 minutes chrono The Blues only have 24 minutes left in the decisive game against the Tokyo Samurai. Jeremy fits the ball with full force so that it explodes with a loud bang. What now? The game must go on. But there is no replacement ball far and wide. In a few minutes the whistle will blow and then the winner will be determined. So now everything is kicked that can somehow fly through the air ... TBA 2008 May 18, 2011
47 21st The asphalt kangaroos Jump team A long weekend is a day alone at the institute. He gets to know the Yamakazis who take him in like a brother. He feels like he's found a family. Unsettled, he thinks about leaving the Blues team. At the same time, Eloise has to spend time with the son of friends of her parents. He falls in love and does everything to make Tag jealous. TBA 2008 May 12, 2011
48 22nd A friend in need Pour aider un ami The Blues get a letter from Zanghezino, their Brazilian friend. His father is so sick that he can no longer work and Zanghezino now has to earn the money. Because of this, he can no longer play street football or take part in Brazil's playoffs. The Blues take a week's vacation and fly to Rio to help him ... TBA 2008 May 19, 2011
49 23 Favela fever Foot favelas Even after his father had an operation with the help of the Blues, Zanghezino has to continue working for his family. That's why he can't play in the final. Once again, the Blues decide to stand up for him, really live the spirit of street football, and bail out a friend. Great adventures await you in the favelas of Rio. TBA 2008 May 20, 2011
50 24 Vic and the crazy fans Dérapage The hype about the blues is blooming. One day the team is confronted with a horde of wild fans, the Total Blues. With their behavior they almost endanger the participation of the Blues in the second world championship! At the same time, two hysterical girls at the boarding school organize a fan club. It follows the blues everywhere. Which Eloise and Samira really stinks. TBA 2008 May 23, 2011
51 25th The jewel thieves Jeu dangereux Two thieves want to use a friendly game of the Blues to break into a jewelry store and rob it. The blues find out about the perpetrators and so they try to eliminate the street football team. TBA 2008 May 24, 2011
52 26th The playoff Combat final The results of the qualifiers for the Street Football World Cup come from all corners of the world. Now the name of the first qualified should be. But the blues aren't even on the list! Finally, there is an exciting head-to-head race with the Black Devils. TBA 2008 May 25, 2011

season 3

The first broadcast of season 3 in Germany on Tele 5 was not in chronological order.

( total )
( St. )
German title Original title Summary First broadcast in France German language first broadcast (D)
53 1 A new world cup Un nouveau mondial The summer vacation has just started and Shark reports to the Rifflers. There's great news: you qualified for the Street Football World Cup! However, they have to pass their first game against the Dolphins, who, to their surprise, are managed by Victoria. And as usual, she doesn't mean it very well with her friends ... TBA 2010 May 26, 2011
54 2 The sixth saisai Le 6e Saï-Saï Gabriel spends a lot of time with Sanakha, one of the girls on the Saisai team. The Rifflers accuse him of not exercising enough because of this. So Gabriel decides not to see Sanakha for a while. But then a Saisai player injures himself and Gabriel offers to jump in. But such an action is really not in the sense of the Riffler ... TBA 2010 May 27, 2011
55 3 The circus team Les enfants de la ball The Rifflers have to play against a Russian team - the Circus Kids. Their reputation precedes the team. One of her team members, Natascha, is a street football superstar. But there is a surprise on the field: the expected girl is a monkey! While the Rifflers are doing their best, Gabriel tries to somehow make the little beast docile. TBA 2010 May 30, 2011
56 4th The dribbler king Un remplaçant qui dérang Ben returns to Maryport. Is it really just something like homesickness that drives him? He shows up at the very moment when the Tekno twins have to leave the Rifflers for a friendly game. And someone wants the Rifflers evil. You try one mean trick after another to harm them. Is Ben the culprit? TBA 2010 May 31, 2011
57 5 alter ego Alter ego Tek is completely unnerved by being mistaken for his twin brother all the time. He does almost anything just to somehow set himself apart from him. But his efforts ultimately end up going all out and even jeopardizing the cohesion of the blues. That's where the fun for the others really ends ... TBA 2010 0June 1, 2011
58 6th Soccer stars Foot star The film team of a TV reality show wants to accompany the Street Football World Cup. When filming with the Bronx Devils, every team wants to be in front of the camera. Suddenly there is wrangling, resentment and jealousy everywhere. The presence of the television team soon destroys the atmosphere of the World Cup. But thanks to the Rifflers everything goes well in the end ... TBA 2010 0June 3, 2011
59 7th The return of the psycho killers Le retour des Méga-Killers The citizens of Maryport are complaining about the street football teams. Allegedly they are responsible for the destruction in the city. The players fight back: they did nothing! Soon the allegations go so far that the World Cup could be stopped. In the end, are the psycho killers behind it all? You are not allowed to participate and may seek retaliation. TBA 2010 0June 6, 2011
60 8th Captain Jeremy Captain Jérémy Does that have to happen now, in the middle of the World Championships? Tag, the most important man with the Rifflers, got injured. Jeremy is now taking over his position as captain. But responsibility puts Jeremy under such pressure that he becomes obnoxious and torments his people with a sudden control mania. TBA 2010 0June 7, 2011
61 9 Rules are rules Le règlement c'est le règlement In order to bury the eternal quarrels between the various street football teams once and for all, Fede gives Gabriel the task of formulating THE generally applicable rules of street football. When the Rifflers are supposed to play against the proud Masai, they find themselves locked in their cabin and come too late for the match ... TBA 2010 0June 8, 2011
62 10 A new mayor Un nouveau maire It's choice in Maryport. For his election campaign against the incumbent mayor, the opposition candidate only picked the topics of security gaps and disruption of public order during the Street Football World Cup. In the end, he even manages to get a hundred street football players thrown from their freighter ... TBA 2010 0June 9, 2011
63 11 Samira's new friend Samira prend le large Samira is upset with Jeremy's immature manner. Matt, on the other hand, is a real guy, she is enthusiastic about him. But what she doesn't know: Matt is a gangster. Department stores have been broken into at the port and the suspicion is directed against street football players. Pretty soon Matt could get Samira into quite a bit of trouble ... TBA 2010 June 10, 2011
64 12 The abduction Disparation Eloise's parents want to fly to America. Eloise is against it: She can't miss a World Cup game because of a trip! But real danger threatens from another direction. Because the eternal adversary Victoria wants to have Eloise kidnapped. Without their goalkeeper, the Rifflers would be lost at the Cup and the Dolphins would have an easy game ... TBA 2010 June 14, 2011
65 13 A very special girl Une fille pas comme les autres The Rifflers face the Malaysian Tigers on the field. They are known for their fair play and their outstanding leader: the famous Farah has led them to many victories. When the Rifflers want to find out more about this mysterious girl, they make an unexpected discovery ... TBA 2010 June 17, 2011
66 14th Crooked tours Tricher n'est pas jouer Tag believes the Iroquois would literally do anything to win this match. He even thinks they're cheating for it. But then suddenly he himself is under this suspicion. When it comes to a goal that he definitely wants to have scored, everyone thinks he is a bad loser. TBA 2010 June 20, 2011
67 15th diva diva Victoria is making life difficult for Eloise again: She simply declared her a superstar and founded a fan club for her. Soon Eloise can no longer move without a horde of fans in tow. It's not just her kidneys. When Victoria spreads the rumor that Eloise and the captain of the Jerusalem Eagles were flirting, a bomb burst ... TBA 2010 June 21, 2011
68 16 Atsuko's secret Le secret d'Atsuko Sam and Eloise befriend Atsuko, a player in the Tokyo Mangas. But Eloise quickly feels excluded from Atsuko and Sam. Sam thinks she's just jealous. She doesn't believe Eloise when she tells her about her suspicions that Atsuko might be the Japanese girl who "disappeared" from her home. TBA 2010 June 22, 2011
69 17th A trainer for the blues Un entraîneur pour les bleus The Rifflers have a huge problem: They have lost their legendary team spirit. You decide to hire a coach to bring you back on track. But they find it difficult to follow the rules of the new coach - an ex-professional soccer player recommended by Samira. To make matters worse, Jeremy also becomes jealous of Gabriel. TBA 2010 June 24, 2011
70 18th Tek and love Teknique de drague The Pharaoh's gatekeeper has a strange charisma and a mysterious gift. Somehow, she regularly manages to completely destabilize the opponents' strikers. Then Tek of all people falls in love with her. Out of sheer misunderstandings and confusion, he finally refuses to take part in the playoff against the Pharaohs. TBA 2010 June 27, 2011
71 19th A trip with Nicolas Croisière avec Nico The World Cup finals are just around the corner. Therefore Fede ordered the teams to rest for a few days. He takes her on a boat trip. A surprise awaits the others there: just as they are casting off, Nicolas Anelka himself comes on board the freighter. What Fede doesn't know, the others are also planning a surprise with their combined efforts: a birthday party. TBA 2010 June 15, 2011
72 20th Welcome to Tunis Bienvenue à Tunis When the teams finally arrive in Tunis, it seems to Nicolas, Fede and the Blues that all they see on the streets is street football players. Nicolas then had the idea of ​​putting together a team from the young Tunisians. This fresh team is then supposed to compete against a team made up of half the Blues, half the Dolphins for fun. Over time, the World Cup players find out that their opponents, "The fruits of Tunisia" should not be underestimated and that they will certainly have a great future ahead of them. In the evening there is a wild party on the beach in Tunis, to which the Tunisian team is invited. TBA 2010 June 16, 2011
73 21st the Fortune teller Écrit dans les étoiles A small fair stops in Maryport. The children enjoy a little their free time there. Instigated by Jeremy, the Rifflers seek out a clairvoyant who predicts a less than glorious future for them: They won't win the Cup! Back on the freighter, the mood is strangely mixed ... TBA 2010 June 28, 2011
74 22nd Witching hour Histoires de fantômes How could it be otherwise: At night on the ship, the street football players make fun of scaring each other. Ghost stories are making the rounds and things get really scary. But then the children in the hold of the Melville discover the logbook of a captain who has been dead for over 100 years. Is there anything to their stories? TBA 2010 June 29, 2011
75 23 past Un passé time passé Jacky, an old friend of Fede's, comes to visit. The children are just getting to know him again. When Fede is seized by a strange inspector who seems determined to completely ruin the championships, Jacky tries to turn the kids against Fede. Luckily the Rifflers are nearby ... TBA 2010 June 30, 2011
76 24 Fear of parting Peur de se perdre Eloise knows she will have to leave Maryport soon. She doesn't tell the others right away. With good reason: The news hits like a bomb. It is now clear: after this summer it will all be over; everyone will go their own way, there will be no more rifflers and no more street football. TBA 2010 0July 1, 2011
77 25th Entry into the semi-finals L'esprit vainqueur As hard as they try, the Rifflers fail to get enough information about the Dolphins. It seems very strange to them. They keep researching. But Victoria, who is afraid of being discovered, pulls her next bad joker out of her pocket. But a bizarre encounter makes her change her mind again ... TBA 2010 04th July 2011
78 26th The blues forever The bleus pour toujours Tag is to fly to Argentina with his father. The team is definitely of one opinion. But as if it wasn't enough that they are now without a captain, Gabriel is now also transferred to a highly gifted school in Paris and one of the techno twins is selected for a professional soccer team. How should the Blues win the final? TBA 2010 0July 5, 2011