List of natural monuments in Eichstegen

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Natural monuments number
FND 7th
total 8th

The list of natural monuments in Eichstegen names the prescribed natural monuments (ND) of the municipality of Eichstegen , located in the district of Ravensburg in Baden-Württemberg . In Eichstegen there are a total of eight objects protected as natural monuments, seven of which are areal natural monuments (FND) and one single structure natural monument (END).

As of October 31, 2016.

Areal natural monuments (FND)

Surname image Identifier

details position Area
Birch row with 8 birches BW 84360275409

Calibration bars
0.0 1940-09-25
Wetland Master House BW 84360271018

Calibration bars
2.8 1990-02-01
Wetland northwest Schochner BW 84360270817

Calibration bars
1.2 1990-02-01
Gravel pit with bushes and hedges BW 84360275419

Calibration bars
0.0 1940-09-25
Mahlweiher and Ried BW 84360275417

Calibration bars
3.3 1940-09-25
Torfstich III Rappenmoos BW 84360270869

Calibration bars
0.7 1990-02-01
Peat cut s Eichstegen BW 84360275402

Calibration bars
0.0 1940-09-25
Legend for natural monument

Single structure (END)

Surname image Identifier

details position Area
Horse chestnuts in Hirschegg BW 84360275401

Calibration bars
0.0 1940-09-25
Legend for natural monument

Web links