List of natural monuments in Grünkraut

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Natural monuments number
FND 4th
END 6th
total 10

The list of natural monuments in Grünkraut names the prescribed natural monuments (ND) of the community Grünkraut in the district of Ravensburg in Baden-Württemberg . In Grünkraut there are a total of ten objects protected as natural monuments, four of which are areal natural monuments (FND) and six individual structure natural monuments (END).

As of October 31, 2016.

Areal natural monuments (FND)

Surname image Identifier

details position Area
Grove of trees with 2 summer linden trees, 1 pedunculate oak BW 84360391406

Green cabbage
0.0 1969-10-31
Drumlin at Wallenhaus BW 84360391402

Green cabbage
0.0 1968-03-27
Alder forest near Drangrindeln BW 84360392068

Green cabbage
1.4 1987-03-03
Schnatterweiher forest meadow BW 84360390232

Green cabbage
2.2 1987-03-03
Legend for natural monument

Single structure (END)

Surname image Identifier

details position Area
Ash no. Dangrindeln BW 84360391404

Green cabbage
0.0 1969-10-31
Boulder BW 84360391401

Green cabbage
0.0 1937-08-31
Sommerlinde in Arneggen (Mr. Lawrenz) BW 84360391408

Green cabbage
0.0 1974-11-13
Summer linden s. Dangrindeln BW 84360391405

Green cabbage
0.0 1969-10-31
Pedunculate oak on the Dangrindeln – Englisreute road BW 84360391403

Green cabbage
0.0 1969-10-31
Pedunculate oak north of Lungsee BW 84360391407

Green cabbage
0.0 1981-06-25
Legend for natural monument

Web links