List of natural monuments in Hintertiefenbach

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The list of natural monuments in Hintertiefenbach calls in the municipality of Hintertiefenbach designated natural monuments (July 15th 2013).

No. designation location description image
ND-7134-422 Linden group at the cemetery Hintertiefenbach, Bergstrasse (at the cemetery)
Tilia sp. , six trees; Planted between 1830 and 1920
ND-7134-423 Bismarck oak southeast of Hintertiefenbach, district Vor dem Berg
Quercus sp.
ND-7134-424 Beech and oak group on Gilzberg south of Hintertiefenbach, Auf Gilzberg district
Fagus sylvatica , three trees, and Quercus sp. , two trees

Individual evidence

  1. Nature Conservation Administration Rhineland-Palatinate: Landscape Information System of the Nature Conservation Administration Rhineland-Palatinate ; Retrieved July 15, 2013