List of natural monuments in Speyer

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The list of natural monuments in Speyer names the natural monuments designated in the urban area of Speyer (as of April 18, 2013).

No. designation location description image
ND-7318-173 Pear tree on the Rinkenberg hedge north of the Rinkenbergehof, Gewann An der Rinkenbergerhecke
Pyrus communis ; Trunk girth 2.73 m, 16 m high, planted before 1880
ND-7318- Plane tree in the courtyard of the Pestalozzi School Speyer, Hagedornsgasse 1
Platanus × hispanica , approx. 25 m high
ND-7318- Copper beech in the garden of the property at Burgstrasse 11 Speyer, Burgstrasse 11
Fagus sylvatica f. purpurea

Individual evidence

  1. Nature Conservation Administration Rhineland-Palatinate: Landscape Information System of the Nature Conservation Administration Rhineland-Palatinate ; Retrieved April 18, 2013
  2. ^ City of Speyer: Local Law Collection , accessed on April 18, 2013

Web links

Commons : Natural monuments in Speyer  - collection of images, videos and audio files