List of dwarf shrub societies and grass grass turf in Germany

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The list of dwarf shrub companies and bristle grass lawn in Germany was the Red List of Threatened Plants companies in Germany (Rennwald 2000) removed, all occurring in Germany plant communities contains. Only the plant formation IX = dwarf shrub societies and arboreal grass lawns were taken into account. This formation has two classes :

The list has been divided into these classes.

For each plant society a picture, its order , its association , its synsystematic rank, its German name, its scientific name and its degree of endangerment (column: G) is given in one column each.


Degree of risk:

  • 0 = extinct or lost
  • 1 = Critically Endangered
  • 2 = Endangered
  • 3 = endangered
  • G = risk to be assumed
  • R = extremely rare
  • V = Decreasing, type of warning list
  • * = currently not endangered
  • D = Insufficient data on distribution and exposure

The plant communities in this list should only be linked to articles about the entire respective plant society, not to individual representatives of the plant society.

Cabbage willow societies

image order Association rank German name scientific name G
Cabbage willow societies ORD Cabbage willow societies Salicetalia herbaceae Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et Jenny 1926
Cabbage willow societies Cabbage willow societies VRB Cabbage willow societies Salicion herbaceae Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et Jenny 1926
Cabbage willow societies Cabbage willow societies ASS Cabbage Willow Society Salicetum herbaceae Rübel 1911 R.
Cabbage willow societies Cabbage willow societies ASS Society of the brown groves Luzuletum alpinopilosae Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et Jenny 1926 R.
Cabbage willow societies Cabbage willow societies ASS Society of the three-fluted hornwort Poo-Cerastietum cerastioidis (Söyrinki 1954) Oberdorfer 1957 R.
Cabbage willow societies Cabbage willow societies ASS Gnaphalium supinum society D.
Cabbage willow societies Cabbage willow societies ASS Widertonmoos Society of Snow Valleys Polytrichetum sexangularis Frey 1922 R.

Heather and grass communities

image order Association rank German name scientific name G
ASS Snake grass Deschampsia flexuosa society *
Borstgrass Societies ORD Borstgrass Societies Nardetalia Oberd. ex Preising 1949
Borstgrass Societies Montane and colline dog violet grass grass VRB Montane and colline dog violet grass grass Violion caninae Schwickerath 1944
Borstgrass Societies Montane and colline dog violet grass grass ASS Harzerabkraut-Borstgras-Turf Galium saxatile-Nardus stricta society 3
Borstgrass Societies Montane and colline dog violet grass grass ASS Gorse grass grass Festuco-Genistelletum sagittalis Issler 1929 2
Borstgrass Societies Montane and colline dog violet grass grass ASS Society of the Bulky Bulrush Juncetum squarrosi Nordhagen 1922 nom. conserv. propos. 2
Borstgrass Societies Alpine and subalpine arboreal grass lawns VRB Alpine and subalpine arboreal grass lawns Nardion Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et Jenny 1926
Borstgrass Societies Alpine and subalpine arboreal grass lawns ASS Clove root grass grass Geo montani-Nardetum strictae Lüdi 1948 nom. mutat. propos. 3
Borstgrass Societies Alpine and subalpine arboreal grass lawns ASS Swiss dandelion grass grass Leontodon helveticus-Nardus stricta society 2
Borstgrass Societies Alpine and subalpine arboreal grass lawns ASS Alpenflachbärlapp-borstgras-lawn Diphasiastrum alpinum-Nardus stricta society 1
Borstgrass Societies Alpine and subalpine arboreal grass lawns ASS Broken anemone grass grass Pulsatilla alba-Nardus stricta society 1
Blueberry and gorse-heather societies ORD Blueberry and gorse-heather societies Vaccinio-Genisternalia R. Schubert 1960
Blueberry and gorse-heather societies Gorse-heather societies VRB Gorse-heather societies Genistion pilosae Duvigneaud 1942
Blueberry and gorse-heather societies Gorse-heather societies ASS Gorse Basal Society Genistion pilosae-basal society 3
Blueberry and gorse-heather societies Gorse-heather societies ASS Gorse-heather scrub Genisto pilosae-Callunetum Braun 1915 nom. inverse. propos. 2
Blueberry and gorse-heather societies Gorse-heather societies ASS German gorse-heather scrub Genisto germanicae-Callunetum Oberd. 1957 2
Blueberry and gorse-heather societies Gorse-heather societies ASS Goat clover-heather scrub Cytiso supini-Antennarietum Preising 1953 3
Blueberry and gorse-heather societies Gorse-heather societies ASS Lingonberry-heather scrub Vaccinio-Callunetum Büker 1942 nom. inverse. propos. 2
Blueberry and gorse-heather societies Crowberry dwarf shrub societies VRB Crowberry dwarf shrub societies Empetrion nigri R. Schubert ex Westhoff et Den Held 1969
Blueberry and gorse-heather societies Crowberry dwarf shrub societies ASS Umbelly hawkweed crowberry scrub of the coastal dunes Hieracio-Empetretum Libbert ex Passarge 1964 *

Individual evidence

  1. Red List of Plant Associations pdf Accessed on September 17, 2018
  2. Red List of Plant Associations bfn.Retrieved September 17, 2018
  3. Risk criteria Accessed on September 17, 2018