List of animal epithets

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The list of animal - epithets (the epithets to the Latin word animal "animal") covers all expressions from the Latin noun animal ( "animal") and a specifying adjective composed.

Latin expression translation Explanation Author / use
animal amans loving animal also: homo amans Günther Anders 1949, love yesterday
animal laborans working animal also: homo laborans Hannah Arendt
animal morale moral animal Robert Wright 1994
animal rational sensible animal Carl von Linné 1760, Immanuel Kant 1798
animal rational sensible animal Translation of the Greek zoon logon echon Seneca , epist. 41, 8; Immanuel Kant 1798
animal sociale social animal Latin translation of zoon politikon ; also: homo politicus Aristotle ; Seneca, clem. 1, 3, 2
animal symbolicum symbolic animal Man as a being expressing himself symbolically; also: homo symbolicus Ernst Cassirer 1944

See also