List of the imperial generals of the early modern period / I

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Legend: * born | ~ baptized | † died | ⚔ fallen | For the rank designations see also general ranks on the homepage.

* around 1585; † (murdered) February 25, 1634. Career: December 31, 1631 Field Sergeant , April 8, 1632 Lieutenant Field Marshal , October 19, 1633 Field Marshal
  • Wilhelm Peter Ritter von Immens
* 1750 † June 23, 1797 ( wounded near Kehl ). Career: March 1, 1797 Major General
  • Kaspar Inkey de Palin
*? †?. Career: January 29, 1758 Field Sergeant
* 1580/86 † March 1640. Career: January 2, 1632 General of Croats and light horses
* 1663 † 1734. Career: October 8, 1704 Field Sergeant, August 19, 1717 Feldzeugmeister ; Electoral Palatinate Feldzeugmeister