List of gramophone manufacturers in the United States

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The following list of gramophone manufacturers in the United States describe their work with regard to the gramophone speaking machine . Furthermore, the interrelationships with regard to the market structure and the links between the companies are presented, and these continue to have an impact up to the present day.


  • With regard to the listed manufacturers, there may be overlaps with the manufacturers of phonographs and graphophones , since in the transition period from reel to turntable many of these companies produced both versions of speaking machines in parallel and offered them for sale. See the list of phonograph manufacturers in the United States .
  • This list can only give a rough overview of what happened at that time and can only name the companies that were essential for the advancement of the speaking machine industry .

Gramophone maker

Gramophone maker founding year Brief description of the manufacturer
American Gramophone Co. 1891 The American Gramophone Co. (American Gramophone Company), founded in Washington DC in April 1891, merged into the United States Gramophone Co. (United States Gramophone Company) in April 1893 . was the first venture of the developer of the gramophone Emil Berliner , without any effectiveness in the manufacture and sale of these devices.

