Lokros (eponym)

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Lokros ( Greek Λοκρός Lokrós ), king of the Lelegs , is a figure in Greek mythology .

He was a son of Physkos and a descendant of Amphictyon . Lokros ruled over the Lelegs and named them Lokrians after himself ; the people had once been brought into being by Deucalion and Pyrrha .

Depending on the tradition, his wife was Kabye , with whom he fathered the “younger” Lokros, or Kambyse , the daughter of the Epic king Opus . In the latter version of the legend, Zeus seduced that king's daughter and gave the pregnant woman to the childless Lokros. He was happy, raised the child, who was born soon after, like his own, named the adopted son after his grandfather Opus and appointed him as his successor.

According to a different story, Lokros fell out with his son, gave him the rule and emigrated with a large number of citizens. An oracle instructed Lokros to found a town where he would be bitten by a wooden bitch. In the area west of the Parnassus he kicked the thorn of a rose hip bush. While healing his injury, he took a liking to the land and later founded Physkeis , Hyantheia, and other Ozolian cities.
