Amphictyon (eponym)

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Amphictyon ( Greek Ἀμφικτύων Amphiktýōn ), founder of the Delphic-Pylic amphictyony , is a figure in Greek mythology .

He was a son of Deucalion and Pyrrha . Amphictyon ruled over the Lokrians and had a temple near Anthela near Thermopylae next to the sanctuary of Demeter Amphiktyonis .

Itonos , the father of Boiotos , and Aitolos , the father of Physkos , and sometimes Malos , the husband of the muse Erato, are named as his sons . According to another derivation, Amphictyon was not the grandfather, but - with Chthonopatra  - the father of Physkos; this would fit the variant of his genealogy according to which Amphictyon was not the son but the grandson of Deucalion.



  1. Pausanias 5, 1, 4 and 9, 1, 1; Scholion to Apollonios of Rhodes , Argonautika 1, 551.
  2. Stephanos of Byzantium , Ethnika , sv Physkos .
  3. ^ Stephanos von Byzanz, Ethnika , sv Malieus ( text in the edition by Anton Westermann ).
  4. Eustathios of Thessalonike , Commentary on Homer , p. 277, 19.