Los Estudiantes (Hermandad)

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The Hermandad de Los Estudiantes is a Sevillian penitential brotherhood . As part of Semana Santa , she conducts her procession on the Tuesday of Holy Week .

General data

Common name Los Estudiantes (the students)
Full name Pontificia, Patriarcal e Ilustrísima Hermandad y Archcofradía de Nazarenos del Santísimo Cristo de la Buena Muerte y María Santísima de la Angustia
Founded 1924
District Centro (Fábrica de Tabacos)

The procession

Paso del Cristo: Cristo de la Buena Muerte

Around 1,400 Nazarenos take part in the Los Estudiantes procession. The tunica is black. Due to the relative proximity to the cathedral, this brotherhood only needs around seven hours for the entire procession.


The pasos that can be seen in the processions of Los Estudiantes are as follows:

  • Paso del Cristo: Cristo de la Buena Muerte , work by Juan Mesa in 1620
  • Paso de la Virgen: María Santísima de la Angustia , probably from the 19th century, attributed to Juan de Astorga


Paso de la Virgen: María Santísima de la Angustia

As the name of the brotherhood suggests, Los Estudiantes originated in an academic environment and is associated with the University of Seville. Its rector is hermano mayor ("eldest brother", as much as: chairman) in honor of Hermandad and its chapel is located in the rectorate.

Therefore, in addition to the usual insignia, the procession has a special feature: the individual faculties of the university are represented by flags carried by Nazarenos .

The flag of the science faculty

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