Luca Romagnoli

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Luca Romagnoli (born September 12, 1961 in Rome ) is an Italian neo-fascist politician.

Political activity

Since February 2002 Luca Romagnoli has been chairman of the Fiamma Tricolore party and successor to Pino Rauti in this office. Like Rauti, Romagnoli had also, albeit only later, broken away from his former companion Gianfranco Fini when the chairman of the Alleanza Nazionale distanced himself from fascism. “You can't just say, like Fini, that fascism was the absolute evil,” said Romagnoli. When asked about the existence of the gas chambers in Auschwitz, he replied: “I do not have the means to confirm or deny that”. In the southern Italian region of Basilicata, he has promised parents a bonus of 1500 euros if they name their newborn baby Benito or Rachele - after the fascist Italian dictator Mussolini and his wife.

In the Identity, Tradition, Sovereignty Group , which existed from January to November 2007 in the European Parliament , Romagnoli, as chairman of Fiamma Tricolore, was also a member of the Group's executive committee.

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