Lucius Vitrasius Flamininus

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Lucius Vitrasius Flamininus was a Roman politician living in the 2nd century AD .

By military diplomas that are dated July 17, 122, is evidence that Flamininus 122 along with Tiberius Julius Candidus Capito Suffektkonsul was; the two presumably held this office from July 1st to September 30th. Another military diploma dated September 9, 132 (or 133), shows that Flamininus was governor ( Legatus Augusti pro praetore ) in the province of Moesia superior around 132/133 .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b Military diplomas from the years 122 ( AE 2004, 1900 , AE 2003, 2042 , AE 2008, 800 , CIL 16, 69 , RMD 5, 361 , RMM 00020 , ZPE-187-283 ) and 133 ( RMD 4, 247 ) .
  2. Barbara Pferdehirt : Roman military diplomas and dismissal certificates in the collection of the Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum. (=  Catalogs of prehistoric antiquities 37), 2 volumes, Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Mainz 2004, ISBN 3-88467-086-7 volume 1, pp. 57–61, no. 20, note 6.
  3. ^ Werner Eck , Andreas Pangerl: New diplomas with the names of consuls and governors In: Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik , Volume 187 (2013), pp. 273–294, here pp. 284–285 ( online ).
  4. ^ A b Paul Holder : Roman Military Diplomas V (= Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies Supplement 88), Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London, London 2006, p. 701 No. 12 * # 247 and P. 762, No. 361, note 3.
  5. Werner Eck, Andreas Pangerl: Moesia and his troops. New diplomas for Moesia and Moesia superior In: Chiron , Volume 38 (2008), pp. 317-387, here p. 377 ( online ).