Ludwig Gieseke

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Ludwig Gieseke (born December 31, 1925 in Rostock ) is a German administrative lawyer in Bonn-Bad Godesberg


From 1943 to 1945 he served in the Navy. In 1947 he graduated from high school in Bad Godesberg. From 1947 to 1951 he studied law in Bonn, Tübingen and Göttingen, and passed the 1st and 2nd state examination in law. 1958 was his doctorate in Göttingen with a thesis on the copyright development in Germany. From 1959 to 1990 he was a civil servant in the university administration: at the University of Bonn, at the Ministry of Education in North Rhine-Westphalia, and in the university department in the Federal Ministry of Education and Science, most recently as a ministerial director. 1991-1994 he was a consultant in the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Ministry of Culture and for the University Committee of the Council of Europe. He received the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon in 1985. He wrote publications on university law and on the development of copyright law.

supporting documents

  1. * Obituary for the University Framework Act (in: Wissenschaftsrecht 2012. S. 3 f.)
    • The composed student body - an outdated organizational model from 1920, Nomos 2001, ISBN 3-7890-7355-5
    • From privilege to copyright - the development of copyright in Germany up to 1845, Nomos 1995, ISBN 3-509-01682-3 (also in
    • List of publications on copyright development in the Archive for Copyright and Media Law (UFITA) 2015 II p. 327.