Air News Division 350

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The Luftnachrichtenabteilung 350 (OKL / Ln Abt 350, Ln / 350 for short) was towards the end of the Second World War a department of the German air intelligence force , which dealt with the deciphering of the enemy messages. It was subordinate to the Air Force High Command (OKL) or its Commander-in-Chief (ObdL).


It was created in the course of a reorganization carried out in November 1944 by renaming the previous Chi -stelle (cipher station), also referred to as OKL / Chi , in Luftnachrichtenabteilung 350. While most of the approximately one hundred other Luftnachrichtenabteilung for the creation and operation of telecommunications connections or the Were responsible for air surveillance , the main task of Ln / 350 was telecommunications reconnaissance . This included, above all, the cryptanalysis of the mostly encrypted hostile radio traffic and, if possible, the breakage and evaluation of the opposing radio messages recorded with the help of radio eavesdropping stations .


  • Karl Otto Hoffmann: Ln. - The story of the Air Intelligence Force. (Volume 1: The beginnings of 1935–1939, Volume 2.1: The flight reporting and Jägerleitdienst 1939–1945, Volume 2.2: Wire communication, radio link 1939–1945), Wuppertal 1965, 1968, 1973.

Web links

  • ASA : European Axis Signal Intelligence in World War II. Volume 5 - The German Air Force Signal Intelligence Service. 1946, (PDF; 56 MB, English)
  • Luftnachrichten-Regiment ObdL (PDF; 280 kB), p. 32

Individual evidence

  1. ASA: European Axis Signal Intelligence in World War II. Volume 5 - The German Air Force Signal Intelligence Service. 1946, p. 13
  2. Air News Departments , accessed June 19, 2019.