Lulu Zapadu

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Television series
German title Lulu Zapadu
Original title Lulu Vroumette
Country of production France
original language French
Year (s) 2010-2014
length 13 minutes
Episodes 104 in 2 seasons
genre Animation series
music Félix le Bars
First broadcast April 6, 2010 on France 5
first broadcast
November 14, 2011 on KIKA

Lulu Zapadu (Original title: Lulu Vroumette) is a French animation series that was produced between 2010 and 2014 .


Lulu Zapadu is a small, cheeky and nimble turtle who shares something every day with her friends, the half-wild rabbit , the weasel twins Pling and Plong, the badger Daniel, the owl Fru-Fru and the hedgehog Always-never in nature and thereby get to know the world, experience many adventures and explore many things.

Production and publication

The series was produced in France between 2010 and 2014 by Araneo and Mondo TV France and first broadcast on France 5 on April 6, 2010 . The German premiere took place on November 14, 2011 on KiKA .

Episode list

season 1





German title German premiere Original title
1 01 The bet 11/14/2011 Mystère et Carapace
2 02 Captain Lulu 11/14/2011 Capitaine Lulu
3 03 The mysterious egg 11/15/2011 L'œuf de Lulu / Jalousie
4th 04 Spoilsport 11/15/2011 louvre
5 05 The race 11/16/2011 Rien ne sert… de courir
6th 06 The missing teacher 11/16/2011 La maitresse a disparu
7th 07 The treasure hunt 11/17/2011 La course au trésor
8th 08 Stargazer 11/17/2011 A la belle étoile
9 09 Alien plants 11/18/2011 Le secret de l'herbier volant
10 10 Chalk for the teacher 11/18/2011 Les pierres de la maitresse
11 11 The constellation of the hedgehog 11/21/2011 La constellation du hérisson
12 12 Free from giddiness 11/21/2011 La peur du lièvre
13 13 The kite catcher 11/22/2011 Même pas peur
14th 14th Jokers and funeral balls 11/22/2011 Le blues de Frou-Frou
15th 15th The secret betrayed 11/23/2011 Secret d'amis
16 16 A fish from the past 11/23/2011 Les pierres du passé
17th 17th Strong smells 11/24/2011 Chasseurs de miel
18th 18th Blown by the wind 11/24/2011 Autant en emporte le vent
19th 19th abracadabra 11/25/2011 Le magicien de la lune
20th 20th Well lost is half won 11/25/2011 Qui perd gagne
21st 21st The election campaign 11/28/2011 Votez pour moi!
22nd 22nd A fabulous friend 11/28/2011 Un ami extraordinaire
23 23 The great thunderstorm 11/29/2011 La grande frousse
24 24 The reversed letter 11/29/2011 Petit coeur amoureux
25th 25th One and one makes two 11/30/2011 Un et un font deux
26th 26th Search for clues 11/30/2011 Jeu de piste
27 27 Sleep, little badger December 01, 2011 Dodo, le blaireau
28 28 Lucky charm December 01, 2011 Le trèfle of 4 feuilles
29 29 Good neighbors 12/02/2011 Les bons voisins
30th 30th The baobab tree 12/02/2011 baobab
31 31 Who was it? 05.12.2011 Extinction de voix
32 32 The spaceship 05.12.2011 Les envahisseurs
33 33 Mine and yours December 06, 2011 Le troc
34 34 The reporters December 06, 2011 Le grand scoop
35 35 Giving is fun December 07, 2011 Plaisir d'offrir
36 36 Palpitations December 07, 2011 Un Cœur qui bat
37 37 Small but big December 08, 2011 Le portrait de la maîtresse
38 38 The pain in the ass December 08, 2011 Au gui l'an neuf
39 39 The bad luck December 09, 2011 La malédiction du bonhomme de neige
40 40 Winter magic December 09, 2011 Les feux de l'amour
41 41 silent post 12/12/2011 Le perce tend
42 42 A place just for me 12/12/2011 Mon petit coin de paradis
43 43 At the foot of the rainbow 12/13/2011 Le trésor de l'arc-en-ciel
44 44 The tree doctor 12/13/2011 Aupres de mon arbre
45 45 The forest orchestra December 14, 2011 L'orchestre des bois
46 46 Prince Charming, please come! December 14, 2011 Au loup!
47 47 Who is half-so-wild? December 15, 2011 Bonne mémoire
48 48 The princess and the blue corsair December 15, 2011 Silence on tour
49 49 The big pumpkin seed puzzle December 16, 2011 Pépins de citrouille
50 50 How bewitched December 16, 2011 La nuit de la lune rousse
51 51 Lulu makes a wish December 19, 2011 A vos souhaits!
52 52 The birthday bouquet December 19, 2011 C'est le bouquet!

season 2





German title German premiere Original title
53 01 The monster in the tower 07/21/2014 Le monstre de la vieille tour
54 02 The secret of knowing everything 07/21/2014 Le secret de Qui-sait-tout
55 03 The sleepyheads 07/22/2014 Major major le doudou
56 04 Who does not come at the right time 07/22/2014 Quand c'est l'heure c'est l'heure
57 05 The brawlers 07/23/2014 Boîte à secrets
58 06 The knight and the court jester 07/23/2014 Une histoire de fou
59 07 Just don't reveal anything 07/24/2014 Faut pas le dire
60 08 hospitality 07/24/2014 Chambre à part
61 09 On your places! 07/25/2014 A vos places!
62 10 Everyone is upset 07/25/2014 Zéro défaut
63 11 The rainmakers 07/28/2014 La course au trésor
64 12 The poets 07/28/2014 Hulette
65 13 No more nice 07/29/2014 La malédiction de la châtaigne
66 14th The little Robinsons 07/29/2014 Les petits Robinsons
67 15th Mountain pine fishing 07/30/2014 Le monstre de l'étang
68 16 Who ate here? 07/30/2014 Huit petits choux
69 17th The seven musketeers 07/31/2014 Les mousquetaires de la prairie
70 18th Holidays without end 07/31/2014 Vacances j'oublie tout
71 19th No more hiccups 08/01/2014 Pas ok le hoquet
72 20th How do we get rid of the game? 08/01/2014 Space fantôme
73 21st The kings of the slopes 08/04/2014 The rois de la glisse
74 22nd Tricked 08/04/2014 Un potager en or
75 23 Dear Diary 08/05/2014 Mon cher journal
76 24 Can fly 08/05/2014 La lettre du moulin
77 25th The dancing plant 08/06/2014 La planned qui danse
78 26th A game to drive you crazy 08/06/2014 La folie des boubouzes
79 27 The broken arm 08/07/2014 Bras cassé
80 28 Bird's eye view 08/07/2014 Vue du ciel
81 29 We make art 08/08/2014 Artiste en herbe
82 30th A gift for do-what 08/08/2014 Le bon cadeau
83 31 The divining rod 08/11/2014 C'est pas sourcier
84 32 The most beautiful star 08/11/2014 La bonne étoile
85 33 A new friendship 08/12/2014
86 34 Best friends 08/12/2014
87 35 The mayflies 08/13/2014 La folie des clubs
88 36 Stage Fright 08/13/2014 Trac trac
89 37 The double do-what 08/14/2014 Clair comme du cristal
90 38 The pearls in the snow 08/14/2014 Le chouchou
91 39 Rosalie 08/15/2014 Rosalie
92 40 All in good time 08/15/2014 Barbe blanche
93 41 Very warm in the heart 08/18/2014
94 42 Lots of favorites 08/18/2014
95 43 A butterfly in winter 08/19/2014
96 44 Completely turned inside out 08/19/2014
97 45 The move 08/20/2014
98 46 Who knows more? 08/20/2014
99 47 The wild nature 08/21/2014
100 48 Alone on a long journey 08/21/2014
101 49 Not an easy start 08/22/2014
102 50 Dance with us! 08/22/2014
103 51 Kisses and squabbles 08/25/2014
104 52 A day like summer 08/25/2014

Web links