Lumen Mundi

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The word pair lumen mundi comes from the Latin: “lumen” means “light” (but also: shine, spiritual clarity) and “mundi” (genitive of “mundus”) means “world” (also: humanity). The classic translation is "light of the world".

Christian-religious meaning

Similar to " Agnus Dei " (Lamb of God) a term for Jesus Christ .

Ironic use

Designation of people who take themselves particularly seriously (see also egoism , egocentrism ).

This usage can also be found in Heinrich Heine's poem "Adam the First", which is critical of religion :

O God! how pathetic this is
Consilium-abeundi !
I call that a Magnificus
The world, a Lumen-Mundi!

Award (medal)

The Lublin Metropolitan awards an award with this name in the form of a medal for engagement in charitable, pastoral and social work.