Lutz Sperling

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Lutz Sperling (born January 14, 1939 ) is a German engineering scientist .

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Lutz Sperling studied theoretical and applied mechanics in Magdeburg and was a research assistant from 1956 to 1961 . In 1966 he became a Dr.-Ing. With a contribution to the general theory of self-synchronization of rotating unbalance masses in the non-resonance case. PhD ; In 1980 he completed his habilitation with the thesis Analytical approximation methods for the investigation of non-linear, stochastically excited systems .

In 1992 he was offered a chair for technical dynamics and vibration theory at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, where he was director of the Institute for Mechanics. After the reunification, Sperling was actively involved in the democratic renewal of the higher education system in the former GDR. In 2004 he was retired as a university professor. Since 2004 he has been Professor of Natural Philosophy at the Gustav Siewerth Academy in Weilheim-Bierbronnen . He is a member of the University Senate of the Gustav Siewerth Academy and the head of the university publishing house.

Lutz Sperling, who was an active Catholic in GDR times, has dealt with dialectical materialism and the materialistic-atheistic worldview as well as with questions between Christian faith and natural science since his youth .

Lutz Sperling is married and has four children.

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