Lydia Klinkenberg

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Lydia Klinkenberg (born October 3, 1981 in Eupen ) is a Belgian politician of the free citizen list ProDG ("Pro German-speaking Community").


Lydia Klinkenberg studied business administration in Liège and political science in Aachen. Between 2009 and 2015 she was the parliamentary director of the ProDG parliamentary group in the DG. Lydia Klinkenberg has been a doctoral student at RWTH Aachen University since 2015, where she researches the identity politics of national language minorities. She also worked as a lecturer and speaker for human rights. She is the internal auditor of the East Belgian National Agency for the Erasmus + programs and the European Solidarity Corps. At the same time she works in the quality and sustainability management (ISO 14001) of a school. Since 2009 she has been a member and vice-president of the parliament of the German-speaking community , and since 2018 - together with Petra Schmitz - co-chair of ProDG.


Klinkenberg has two children and lives in Eupen.

Tasks in the DG Parliament

  • Member of Committee I on General Policy, Petitions, Finance and Cooperation
  • Member of Committee IV for Health and Social Affairs
  • Member of the control committee
  • Vice-President of the DG Parliament
  • Deputy member of the Interregional Parliamentary Council of the Greater Saar-Lor-Lux region
  • Deputy member of the Benelux Council

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