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A Lyndonwort is by Roger Lyndon named formal word , the lexicographically less than any rotation of its letters. Each word can be clearly broken down into a lexicographically monotonously falling sequence of Lyndon words.

Formal definition

A word is a Lyndon word if and only if for every decomposition with non-empty words and that applies


  • A single letter is always a Lyndon word because it cannot be broken down into two non-empty words and the condition is therefore empty.
  • is not a Lyndon word, because with and it applies that .
  • is a Lyndon word, since with and the only decomposition into non-empty words is and applies.

Shirshov decomposition

Any Lyndon word that consists of more than one letter can be split into two Lyndon words and with and . The decomposition with the shortest is called the Shirshov decomposition .

Conversely, it is also true that for all Lyndon words and with , that is a Lyndon word.

Further examples

  • The Shirshov decomposition of is with and .
  • Since Lyndonwörter are also and Lyndonwörter.
  • Also is a Lyndon word. It can be broken down into both the Lyndon words and and the Lyndon words and . Since is shorter than , the Shirshov decomposition of .
  • Each Lyndon word has the structure where Lyndon words are. That way it's easy to see that there is a Lyndon word.


  • M. Lothaire: Combinatorics on words . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1984, ISBN 0-521-30237-4 , ( Encyclopedia of mathematics and its applications 17), (English).