Munich punch

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The Munich Punch was a satirical magazine that appeared in Munich from 1848 to 1871 . A new edition of the magazine in 1875 failed.

The Munich punch was originally founded in the revolutionary year of 1848 as a Carnevals-Blatt to document the connection between political carnival and revolution. In the same year the subtitle was changed to Ein satyrisches Original-Blatt in order to distinguish the magazine from the numerous reprints that appeared. In 1856 the subtitle was a humorous original paper and from 1869 only a humorous weekly paper .

The Munich Punch appeared weekly, first with four, then eight pages. The editor and publisher was ME Bertram (actually ME Schleich), who probably wrote almost all of the articles himself. The focus was on the southern German view of political and social issues. The author's worldview was rather contemplative, in contrast to Simplicissimus, which appeared a little later .

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