MAYA principle

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The MAYA principle comes from market psychology and is often quoted in the advertising industry in particular. MAYA is an acronym and stands for: M ost A dvanced Y et A acceptable (meaning: the most innovative thing that is still acceptable).


In advertising , attracting attention plays an essential role. One tries to do this by arousing curiosity through “novelty” and thus attracting attention. Another method to get attention is to use frightening or even deterrent elements. Even things that are too novel can be daunting.

Seen in this way, the MAYA principle represents a kind of middle ground: “Do something as new as possible. Go as far as you can, but make sure that it is still acceptable and not deterring. "

Product design

The MAYA principle is also often used as a basis for product design : When designing a product, it is often necessary to decide to what extent one would like to offer the consumer something completely new or rather something familiar. Here, too, the MAYA principle is a compromise: "Be as innovative as possible, but don't put anyone off."

See also


  • P. Hekkert, D. Snelders, PCW van Wieringen: 'Most advanced, yet acceptable': Typicality and novelty as joint predictors of aesthetic preference in industrial design. In: British Journal of Psychology. Volume 94, 2003, pp. 111-124.

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