MOVE (command line command)

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MOVE is a command line command for moving files. It largely corresponds to the mv command under Unix.

The MOVE command was not introduced until MS-DOS 6.0. Previously, files could only be moved by copying the file and then deleting the original file. In addition to moving files, the MOVE command can also be used to rename folders, which was previously not possible under MS-DOS with reasonable effort.

If MOVE is called from the command line, the command line interpreter asks by default whether a file that already exists at the destination should be overwritten. If MOVE is called from a batch file, it overwrites existing files by default. This behavior can be controlled differently with the parameter /Y(overwrite files) or /-Y(ask before overwriting).

Although the command line interpreter cmd.exe of Windows NT -based operating systems is based on MS-DOS 5.0 and other innovations introduced with MS-DOS 6.x are missing (e.g. DELTREE ), it also contains the MOVE command. As of Windows 2000, MOVE can be used to move an entire directory tree, which was not yet possible under MS-DOS.

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