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MSCONS is short for M etered S ervices Cons umption report message and is an electronic message format of UN / CEFACT , based on the standard EDIFACT based. In the EDIFACT language, MSCONS is a message type that contains special definitions for the standardized transmission of load profile and meter data for a more precise and simple exchange of messages for the energy industry .

German energy industry

In Germany, the use of MSCONS in the German energy industry as part of business processes for supplying customers with electricity (GPKE) became mandatory in August 2007. Since April 2011, MSCONS has also been required to carry out balancing group accounting for electricity (MaBiS) within the framework of the market rules .

With the MSCONS, a non-discriminatory energy data management (EDM) is possible. Other countries such as the Netherlands took this step a few years earlier.

As with most EDIFACT message types, there are national industry-specific definitions for MSCONS. In Germany, this is drawn up by the Federal Association of Energy and Water Management (BDEW) together with other associations and the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA).

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