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MSYS2 is a software distribution and development platform that allows software from Unix -World on Microsoft Windows to port .

MSYS2 shares this concern with other projects, namely Cygwin and Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). Cygwin includes a complete POSIX environment in which individual programs run like under Unix. WSL enables Linux binaries to be run directly on Windows, with limited support for kernel calls and significant limitations in graphical applications. In contrast, MSYS2, together with the compiler port Mingw-w64 , supports the translation of Unix source text into native Windows binaries , both for 32 and 64 bits ; it offers the advantage that the user of the ported software works consistently under Windows instead of switching between two operating systems . MSYS2 only supports Windows from Vista and no longer FAT . Compared to WSL, Cygwin and MSYS2 also support older Windows versions.

MSYS2 includes a package manager ( Pacman from Arch Linux ), a Bash shell and other Unix programs. Software running under MSYS2 supports Unix-style path names . For example, you can open the file C: \ Users \ John \ file.txt with the command

start notepad++ /c/Users/John/file.txt

load into an editor. The behavior is similar under Cygwin, but no real path can be used, but one emulated by Cygwin's abstraction layer , or manual translation with the cygpath tool is necessary.

MSYS2 / Mingw-w64 includes a runtime library ( msys-2.0.dll ), which is derived from the Cygwin runtime library ( cygwin1.dll ) and in which the ongoing development of this is included in real -time . MSYS2 and Mingw-w64 compete with the older MSYS and Mingw projects , which only support 32 bits. The re-implementation and spin-off of MSYS / MinGW took place mainly in the years 2005–2008.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Borek Bernard: Zsh on Windows via MSYS2
  2. Example from the review article at Boolean World
  3. How does MSYS2 differ from Cygwin on GitHub.
  4. mysys2 History on GitHub.
  5. How are msys, msys2, and msysgit related to each other?