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The Mabi (also Mabea ) is a dialect of the Bantu language Kwasio .

It is spoken in Cameroon in the villages around Kribi , especially in Mabiogo and Ipono . Morphologically, the Mabi, like most Bantu languages, is a tone and class language .


Mabi German
Mua nya wumle ke bugo si, nye wum di. I mua mvul buang bo yuana ke bugo si. Bidiu bi nsilma to sa ya bele o kisin ri. Mama nye zi le nye na nya ke di minwande na mfugu namana ziresi. The child does not want to go to sleep, it wants to eat. It's already night, the children have to go to sleep. The food is all, there is nothing in the kitchen. Mama tells him that tomorrow morning he will eat cassava pieces with nut sauce.