MadMinute Games

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MadMinute Games Inc.
legal form Corporation
founding 2001
Seat United States
management Adam Bryant, Norb Timpko

MadMinute Games is an American computer game developer. The studio is mainly known for the Take Command series. It is also worth mentioning that all of the studio's games were programmed in the developers' spare time.


  • Take Command Civil War Bull Run 1861 : The player is in the position of General in the North - or southern states in the American Civil War were added. You get the opportunity to replay battles of the Civil War on historical maps and to change the outcome of the same. The game uses a customized version of the Powerrender 3D engine.
  • Take Command - 2nd Manassas : The sequel to Take Command Civil War Bull Run is the most successful game from MadMinute Games and deals with the battles of the second Manassas campaign. In 2nd Manassas you can command both sides of the American Civil War on historically correct battlefields. In addition, there are open-play battles in which the player can determine the starting position of the troops himself. An active internet community provides the game with various modifications that are intended to make the game interesting in the long term.
  • Take Command - Shiloh : The third part of the Take Command series was originally supposed to appear in 2008 and, in addition to the battles of 1862/63, also deal with the strategic location and supply of the warring armies. Furthermore, the incorporation of a multiplayer mode is discussed. A publication of the third part is now very unlikely, since the developers of the predecessor are working on other projects.


The developers refer to their games as "real-time combat simulators". Take Command 1 was the first game that tried to depict the leadership of an army on the battlefield as accurately as possible. In the game you take on the role of an officer. In contrast to common strategy games, you do not take control of individual soldiers, but rather divisions, brigades or entire armies. The player's task is to direct the soldiers available to him to tactically important points and to fulfill certain goals, such as conquering a farm or holding a bridge. Depending on the rank of the character, you can either give orders to other troop leaders, or you have to take them from higher-ranking officers. The developers were very focused on detailed and historical accuracy. Battles are fought on historically correct battlefields, as the developers had a lot of original map material at their disposal. Furthermore, attempts have been made to program the soldiers' behavior as precisely as possible. These will tire as the battle progresses and may panic, which has a negative effect on their strength in battle. The terrain also has a great influence on the combat strength of the armies. Rivers or hills are important strategic points that have a major impact on the combat behavior of troops.


There are a number of modifications to the Take Command series. They change sound, graphics or the order of battle. There is even the option to move the game into other war scenarios. For example, a Norwegian team is working on the implementation of a modification that takes place during the Napoleonic Wars . The time of the American War of Independence can also be reenacted with the help of a modification.

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