Madonna Diotallevi

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Madonna Diotalevi (Raffael)
Madonna Diotalevi
Raphael , ca.1503
Oil on poplar wood
69 × 50 cm
Gemäldegalerie (Berlin)

The Madonna Diotalevi is one of the earliest paintings by Raphael .

The Virgin and Child, which blesses the boy John is after its previous owner as Madonna Diotalevi referred. The picture was created in Perugia under the direct influence of Pietro Perugino , to whom it was formerly attributed. Due to the somewhat antiquated Mary compared to the Johannesknaben and the Christchild, Roberto Longhi speculated that the picture was created over a longer period of time, over several years. This view is rejected by most researchers, who predominantly suggest a date around 1502.

Still listed as Perugino in the Diotalevi collection, Gustav Friedrich Waagen recognized the picture as an early work by Raphael and bought it in 1842 for 150 Luigi (approx. 2907 marks) for the Royal Museum in Berlin. The attribution to Raphael was recognized until the 1870s. As of the 1878 catalog, Raphael's authorship was questioned. In 1913 Venturi even considered that the picture had been created by a previously unknown painter whom he gave the emergency name Master of the Madonna Diotalevi . In the following period, however, an attribution to Raphael prevailed again, which is still valid today.

The picture was on display from the time it was acquired by the Royal Museum until 1939. Then it was moved to the Flakturm Friedrichshain. As the fighting of the Second World War drew closer and closer to Berlin, the picture was moved to the Kaiseroda-Merkers potash mine in Thuringia in the spring of 1945 , where it fell into the hands of the Americans. These made it to the General Art Collection Point in Wiesbaden . It was only returned to Berlin in 1956, where it was permanently exhibited in the Dahlem Museum from 1956 to 1997. Today the painting is exhibited in the Bode Museum .


  • Louis Hertig (introduction), Pierluigi de Vecci (scientific appendix): The complete works of Raffael (= classic of art ). Kunstkreis Luzern et al., Luzern et al. 1966
  • Gemäldegalerie Berlin (Hrsg.): Catalog of the paintings from the 13th - 18th centuries. Gemäldegalerie Staatliche Museen Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin-Dahlem 1975.
  • Sylvia Ferino Pagden, Maria Antonietta Zancan: Raffaello. Catalogo completo dei dipinti (= I gigli dell'arte 9). Cantini, Florence 1989, ISBN 88-7737-101-3 .
  • Tilmann von Stockhausen : Gemäldegalerie Berlin. The history of their acquisition policy 1830-1904. Nicolai, Berlin 2000, ISBN 3-87584-769-0 .