Magazine island

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Magazine island
Waters Havel
Geographical location 52 ° 36 ′  N , 12 ° 19 ′  E Coordinates: 52 ° 36 ′  N , 12 ° 19 ′  E
Magazine Island (Brandenburg)
Magazine island

The magazine island is an island in the River Havel in the city Rathenow , located in the lower Havelniederung in western Havel country. It is one of several Havel islands in the urban area. The island is located directly on the main arm of the Rathenower Havel and is surrounded by it and the two water arms Kleine Archen and Große Archen. The island is connected to two neighboring islands by two bridges in the south-west and south-east, each of which leads over a weir. The Schwedendamminsel and the Altstadtinsel are located immediately downstream .

The magazine island is surrounded by the Rathenower Havel, the small and large arks.


The Havel Island, which was formerly part of Steckelsdorf and west of Rathenow , was originally called the Kiezinsel . Between 1786 and 1790 a large supply magazine for the Prussian military was set up on the island. The magazine was created to supply the troops at the Rathenow site and served as a storage facility for the troops housed in the Mark Brandenburg. It was the largest corresponding depot facility in Prussia. In addition to a warehouse, some residential and service buildings were also laid out on the island. Due to its proximity to the city of Rathenow, the name Rathenow-Magazin or Magazininsel became established .

In 1891 the warehouse building was struck by lightning and burned down almost completely. The magazine originally had a lightning rod, but it was dismantled as defective and never replaced. In addition to the total loss of the magazine building, the consequence was the loss of large amounts of food and feed.

The magazine building on the magazine island before the fire in 1891; View over the eastern weir on the Little Arks.

In 1948 the magazine island was still part of Saxony-Anhalt. On July 5, 1948, the magazinisel was transferred by the Soviet city command Rathenow to the administrative sovereignty of the city of Rathenow . On November 3, 1948, the Brandenburg tax office placed the magazine island under the management of the Rathenow tax office and thus finally took it over to the Brandenburg administration. The rebuilt, new magazine served in the GDR as a storage and office space for the state-owned collection and purchase company (VEAB).

A courier service that set up shop on Magazininsel in 2008 had to be abandoned in 2014 due to commercial use without a building permit.

A fun sports hall set up on the magazine island had to be closed for safety reasons after the roof collapsed during a storm in 2015.

Individual evidence

  1. Kompass-Wasserwanderatlas Berliner und Märkische Gewässer, Rum / Innsbruck 2007, p. 43
  3. a b c children, Sebastian; Thomas, Haik (ed.): The Havelland around Rathenow and Premnitz: a regional study, Cologne 2016, p. 173
  4. Andreae, Almut (ed.): The mansions of the Havelland: A documentation of their history up to the present, 2006, p. 291
  5. a b
  6. Blöß, Wolfgang: Borders and reforms of a society in transition: From the state of Brandenburg to the districts 1945-1952 (publications of the Brandenburg State Main Archives 66), Berlin 2015