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City of Rathenow
Coordinates: 52 ° 36 ′ 21 ″  N , 12 ° 17 ′ 4 ″  E
Height : 21 m
Area : 14 km²
Residents : 742  (December 31, 2016)
Population density : 53 inhabitants / km²
Incorporation : December 31, 2001
Postal code : 14712
Area code : 03385
Village church from the southwest
Organ of the Steckelsdorf village church by Friedrich Hermann Lütkemüller in 1859

Steckelsdorf [ ˈʃtɛkl̩sdɔʁf ] is a district of the district town of Rathenow in the Havelland district in Brandenburg .



The center of Steckelsdorf is 1 km west of the town of Rathenow, on the left of the Havel, on the L 96 in the direction of Schollene . The federal highway 188 leads through the southern local area . The Steckelsdorfer See and the Trittsee are in the local area.

Steckelsdorf has 742 inhabitants (as of December 31, 2016) .

Subdivision breakdown

The Steckelsdorf district includes the Bölkershof , Gebhardshof , Ludwigshof and Steckelsdorf expansion residential areas .


In the area around the village of Steckelsdorf, directly on the Havel , are the remains of a Slavic castle ramparts , the “Alt Rathenow” ramparts, probably from the 11th century. In 1335, Steckelsdorf was first mentioned in a Pfandbrief from the Wittelsbach Margrave Ludwig I as "Steggelsdorp et Buckow, located close to Ratnowe". In 1354 Steckelsdorf fell into the possession of the Archbishop of Magdeburg . Since the 15th century the lands belonged to the von Treskow family . Margarete von Treskow introduced the Reformation in 1538 . In 1682 the holdings of Schollene and Buckow were merged by Balthasar Ferdinand von Treskow. In 1722 the estate was sold to the von Katte auf Wust family for 14,500 thalers . From 1786 to 1789 a Royal Prussian Provisioning Office was built on the Kiezhügel, the area surrounded by the arms of the Havel has since been referred to as Magazininsel .

On May 6, 1819, the village burned down to the windmill after a fire in the distillery. When the village was rebuilt, some farmers settled outside of the village center and the Bölkershof, Ludwigshof and Gebhardshof residential areas were created. In 1820 the Protestant village church was rebuilt and consecrated in 1822. In 1880 a road from Rathenow to Havelberg was built through Steckelsdorf. They tied the village closer to Rathenow. In 1901, a large Havel sluice was built in the Steckelsdorf area as part of the Havel expansion for the major shipping route Berlin - Hamburg . The Neue Schleuse settlement was created.

On September 30, 1928, the main part of the Steckelsdorf estate with the Steckelsdorf rural community, the Forst colony and the forester's house Ebelgünde were combined with the rural community of Grütz. After the Second World War , the manors Schneider and Scharper were expropriated during the land reform and divided among 48 settlers.

Since 1816 Steckelsdorf belonged to the district of Jerichow II in the Prussian province of Saxony and thus after 1945 to the newly created state of Saxony-Anhalt . From July 1st 1950 it belonged to the Saxon-Anhalt district of Genthin . On July 25, 1952, Steckelsdorf came to the Rathenow district in the Potsdam district and thus in 1990 to the state of Brandenburg . The district of Neue Schleuse was incorporated into Rathenow on July 1, 1950 and in 1952 was named Rathenow-West. The Steckelsdorf development area represents an extension of the Rathenow-West settlement to the Steckelsdorf area. The Roman Catholic St. Josef Church was built here in 1962 (in contrast to the core town of Rathenow, Steckelsdorf belongs to the Magdeburg diocese ).

On December 31, 2001, after a referendum, Steckelsdorf was incorporated into the district town.

Steckelsdorf Landwerk

In the Horstweg in Steckelsdorf expansion, the Jewish retraining organization Landwerk operated a training center for young emigrants who were able to learn gardening or agricultural trades as part of the Hachschara movement . The house was previously the hunting villa of a Jewish industrialist from Berlin who had given the building (with attached gardening) to his community in 1936/1937 for the purpose of setting up a rest home. On November 9, 1938, the National Socialists abducted Friedrich Löwenthal, who was responsible for internship training, and several employees to the Buchenwald concentration camp . On May 21, 1942, the Nazi authorities closed the training facility. On July 11, 1942, 52 Jews were deported from the former Jewish training camp to the Auschwitz concentration camp .

Since 1978 there has been a plaque on the village church of Steckelsdorf with the inscription To commemorate: Jews in the Steckelsdorf Landwerk .


Steckelsdorf's mayor is Corrado Gursch (CDU).

Web links


  1. Administrative region of Magdeburg (Ed.): Official Gazette of the Government of Magdeburg . 1928, ZDB -ID 3766-7 , p. 224 .
  2. Federal Statistical Office (Ed.): Municipalities 1994 and their changes since 01.01.1948 in the new federal states . Metzler-Poeschel, Stuttgart 1995, ISBN 3-8246-0321-7 , pp. 34 .
  3. ↑ In detail in the Brandenburg Museum Sheets ( Memento of the original from August 18, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. ^ Statistics and deportation of the Jewish population from the German Reich
  5. Searching for traces online