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al-Maghāzī ( Arabic المغازي, DMG al-maġāzī  'the campaigns'), the determined plural form of maghzāt  /مغزاة / maġzāt , is the term used in Islamic historiography for the campaigns of the Prophet Mohammed .

The historian al-Wāqidī was the author of the first extensive book on Muhammad's campaigns that has survived and is available in print. It is titled Kitāb al-Maghāzī  /كتاب المغازي / Kitāb al-Maġāzī  / 'The Book of Campaigns (of the Prophet)'. From the Maghāzī literature later emerged the Sīra literature, which deals generally with the biography of the Prophet. In the 12./13. In the 17th century, the Andalusian scholar al-Kalāʿī (d. 1236) wrote a Maghāzī work that not only includes the biography of Muhammad but also that of the first three caliphs .


  • JMB Jones: The chronology of the maghāzī - a textual survey . In: Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (BSOAS) XIX (1957), pp. 245-280
  • Rudi Paret: The legendary Maġāzī literature: Arabic poems about the Muslim war campaigns in Muhammad's time. Tubingen 1930
  • Julius Wellhausen: Muhammad in Medina. This is Vakidi's Kitab al-Maghazi in a shortened German version . Berlin 1882

See also

Individual evidence

  1. GND 1179504879 ; see. The Kitāb al-Maghāzi of al-Wāqidī . Ed. JMB Jones. London 1966.
  2. Cf. Maher Jarrar: The biography of the prophets in Islamic Spain. A contribution to the tradition and editorial history. Peter Lang, Frankfurt a. M. u. a., 1989. pp. 224-236.