Magnús Sigurðsson

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Magnús Sigurðsson (* 1984 in Ísafjörður ) is an Icelandic writer. In 2013 he took first place in the renowned Jón-úr-Vör poetry competition. In 2008 he received the first price of the Tómas Guðmundsson competition for his first collection of poems Fiðrildi, mynta og spörfuglar Lesbíu ("Butterflies, Mint and the Sparrows of Lesbias"). A year earlier he won a prize for his translations of Ezra Pound's poetry collection “The Pisan Cantos” into Icelandic .


As translator:

  • Ulven gate: Steingerð vængjapör . Uppheimar, Akranes 2012, ISBN 978-9935-43262-9 .
  • Ezra Pound: Söngvarnir frá Písa . Háskólaútgáfan, Reykjavík 2007, ISBN 978-9979-9774-3-8 (Original title: The Pisan cantos . Translated by Magnús Sigurðsson).

Individual evidence

  1. a b Magnús Sigurðsson hlýtur Bókmenntaverðlaun Tómasar Guðmundssonar 2008 ( Icelandic ) Rithöfundasamband Íslands. Retrieved September 9, 2011.